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Liho is a relict class legendary monster appearing in The Witcher: Monster Slayer. The monster is nocturnal and has the power to posses items and can invoke a strong curse on its target.

The Witcher: Monster Slayer bestiary[]

There are many myths and old wives' tales surrounding the liho. Yet, as Lars Noren proved, the one about them accelerating milk's fermentation happens to be true.


The monster has body of a female corpse, skull-like head with white hair and a third eye on its forehead. Its has skinny, long limbs and sharp claws. It is clad in grey tattered rags and a linen hood.

Liho's curse[]

A cursed individual experiences extreme fatigue and hallucinations. In order to lift the curse, one needs to lure the liho out by burning the cursed item in a fire lit with leshen moss and cowbane. After banishing the liho, if the ritual is not conducted properly, the monster's curse can later reappear. In order to prevent this, the cursed object has to be disposed of far away from the place of conducting the ritual.

Associated quests[]

