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Aaah, you're that witcher! Aye, Boholt mentioned you. Said you swing a mean sword.
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- Jamor, after recognizing Geralt, Blood and Wine expansion

Jamor was one of the Crinfrid Reavers mercenaries trained by Boholt to slay dragons and draconids. As every man in his group, he was equipped with a double bit axe and a large crossbow.

In 1275, he, Auwry and two other Reavers ventured to Toussaint where they were hired by the rich guild to kill Iocaste, a Silver Basilisk that was attacking passing caravans and killing merchants. While they were preparing for a showdown with the beast Geralt appeared. Jamor recognized him and after solving the matter they gave a share to Geralt and left.

Associated quest[]
