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Now you see his true nature? I warned you before the wedding. A ruffian and a boor who keeps the company of bandits. Are you not afraid to live under one roof with that rabble?
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- her to Iris on Olgierd's behavior

Bilewitz[1] (first name unknown) was a member of the Redanian aristocracy, wife of an unnamed man, and mother of Iris and an unnamed son. The family lived in southern Redania, in nearby Oxenfurt, and was well off.

After Olgierd's family fell on hard times and lost their standing in high society, she and her husband intended to give their daughter's hand in marriage to a visiting Ofieri prince named Sirvat. However, this didn't work out as the prince was cursed and Olgierd regained his family's fortune, thus giving them little choice but to accept Olgierd's proposal to marry Iris. This didn't stop Iris' mother from showing disdain towards her new son-in-law however, calling him a ruffian and a boor right to her daughter's face.

Associated quest[]

