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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked
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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked

Hugo Hoff, also known as Beef Patty, was a professional thief. He once stole the gold-plated cock from the roof of the Novigrad town hall.


Hugo presumably made some powerful enemies, as three thugs were ordered to kill Hugo by making sure he took a "long walk off a short pier on the Pontar" and also to cut one of Hugo's ears off as proof of the deed. The men put heavy stones around Hugo's ankles and threw him into the bottom of the pontar, killing him.

If Geralt seeks out Hugo: Geralt of Rivia was looking to recruit Hugo for a heist on the Borsody Auction House. Geralt arrives at Hugo's house in Oxenfurt and notices some blood and a trail of footprints. Geralt follows them to a nearby river and is forced to kill the three thugs. Geralt dives underwater and discovers Hugo's body, leaving him with no choice but to recruit Eveline Gallo for the heist.

Journal entry[]

Geralt needed someone who could scale the glass-smooth wall of the tower abutting the Borsodis' Auction House. Once of the few capable of this was Hugo Hoff, alias "Beef Patty"" -- a halfling with countless break-ins and robberies under his belt. Geralt was told to look for him in Oxenfurt, whose seedy taverns served as watering grounds for students and criminals alike.
If Geralt tries to recruit him:
Sadly, it turned out Hugo Hoff was in no condition to join Geralt's crew. The halfing must have stepped on some powerful toes, for someone had slapped stone slippers on him and taken him for a long walk off a short pier - and into the Pontar.

Associated quests[]
