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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked
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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked

Helmer was a peasant from Hawkesburn.


In 1267, the bandit group known as the Strays of Spalla, rode into Hawkesburn, intending to steal the money from the tax collector's posted there. During the process, the bandits were kind to Helmer and the other locals and shared food with them. The bandits succeeded with their robbery and continued on.

Later, Queen Meve of Lyria and Rivia rode to Hawkesburn, on the trail of the Strays, and ending up talking to Helmer, who didn't know the proper curtsies for speaking to royalty. He explained that the Strays had continued on to Lord Clayton's residence.

If Meve pressed the local men into service:

Annoyed by the locals not standing up to the Strays, Meve put all nearby men over the age of fifteen into service in her army, including Helmer.

Associated quest[]
