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Hans of Cidaris was a mercenary around 1272 who, true to his profession, helped out anyone, whether it was Redanians or Temerians, as long as they could pay him and his men.

However, he bit off more than he could chew one day, taking a contract (along with a big reward) from Oxenfurt to rid the forests of a vicious monster. He quickly learned they were clearly outmatched when 2 of the men suddenly disappeared while searching for the beast.

With the city's council demanding he either do the job or pay back the advancement he was given under threat of being imprisoned, he put up his own notice for someone more experienced to help him, albeit hiding the fact that it was his contract originally and he'd been paid well for it.

If Geralt helps him and mentions the contract: Geralt helped him out and found out it was an archgriffin, Opinicus. After killing it off, Geralt returned for his reward but as Hans made to pay the witcher the lowly amount, Geralt revealed the original contract he found while investigating. Caught red-handed, Hans gave more to the witcher than they'd originally agreed on.
If Geralt helps him but doesn't mention the original contract: Geralt helped him out and found out it was an archgriffin, Opinicus. After killing it off, Geralt returned for his reward and Hans readily paid him.

He also used his skills to catch wanted men, like Quinto, to try and turn them in for a bounty.

Associated quests[]

