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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked
"Do you really wish to know?" — Spoilers from the books and/or adaptations to follow!
Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked

Handsome Jacques was a criminal being held in Toussaint's prison in 1275. He'd purposely made it his job to just keep ending up in jail and had expertly learned to smuggle items, and one time even a prostitute, inside.


Jacques was what some would call a "revolving-door inmate", committing petty crimes so he could remain in jail, where he got free room and food. It all started when he had nowhere to stay for one winter so he robbed a shopkeeper, but instead of being thrown in jail he was fined, and when he couldn't pay the amount, given lashes. So, he changed tactics: he cut off the tail of Count Bovieaux's horse and that got him a year and a half. His next crime after getting out was to fill Marshal de Lastaic's helmet with dung, netting him 3 more years and which he was currently serving in 1275.

However, Jacques was also rather well-informed, knowing everything about everyone in prison and why they were there, even on things most ordinary people wouldn't know about.

If Geralt's sent to prison: after talking for a bit with the witcher, informing him that he knew the situation that got Geralt thrown into the clink, he then led Geralt off as they were on laundry duty. When trouble arrived though to fight Geralt, Jacques left the room as in prison "it's everyone for themselves".

Associated quest[]

