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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked
"Do you really wish to know?" — Spoilers from the books and/or adaptations to follow!
Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked

Gran is a humble servant of Crones looking after orphans at small village in Crookback Bog of Velen.

Journal entry[]

In times of war one often encounters those who have suffered cruelly at the hands of fate. Geralt was thus not shocked to meet the woman who the children of the Velen swamps called Gran, though she seemed to have suffered manifold unspecified ills.
Whatever her woes, it was clear she cared for the war orphans in her charge with love and devotion.
Gran bore strange marks on her hands that burned with living fire. In time they proved to signs of indentured servitude to the Crones. How exactly the old woman had come to be in their power, however, remained unknown.
When Geralt saw the marks on the woman's hands, he quickly realized she must be the Bloody Baron's wife, though changed beyond all recognition by the hardship she had suffered.
Geralt's first attempts to talk to her came to nothing. He was only able to break through her mistrust with the help of Johnny. A few words from the latter convinced Gran to help Geralt talk to the mysterious Ladies of the Wood.

Associated quests[]
