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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked

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No one wanted these lands, so I up and took 'em.
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- Gimpy Gerwin, Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales
Audio version: Media:Gimpy Gerwin 2.oga

Gimpy Gerwin was a bandit who illegally ruled on the swamps of Angren during the Second Northern War.


As a mercenary band leader, Gerwin stumbled into Angren, discovering a land unclaimed by any feudal lord. He thus decided to take the land and erected a fort, starting later to unite the surrounding villages under his very own rule.

In 1267, Gimpy met Queen Meve of Lyria and Rivia, exiled from her country and her titles by Count Caldwell and Villem. Despite his manners, Gimpy proved to be a honorable host, offering Meve and her soldiers food and shelter in his fort.

Meve however noticed that Gimpy turned out to be a very cruel and ruthless ruler against his subjects, who weren't stranger to his violence.

If Meve doesn't attack Gimpy: Although Queen Meve remained terribly horrified by Gimpy's cruelty against his subjects, she respected his hospitality and thus left his lands, leaving its inhabitants to Gimpy's wrath.

If Meve attacks Gimpy: Horrified by Gimpy's cruelty and manners against his poor subjects, Meve attacked him and defeated him; Gimpy was finally beheaded by the queen herself.


  • If you choose to leave the peasants in Gerwin's hand but Eyck of Denesle is in your company, the battle will start anyway.

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