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To play with my prey, I enjoy that the most.
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- Gwent: The Witcher Card Game
Audio version: Media:Gezras of Leyda voice line.mp3

Gezras of Leyda, born in the 11th century, was a witcher known for founding the current incarnation of School of the Cat.


Gezras, born as half-elf, was hated by his foster father who considered him to be an abomination.[1] Sold at a very young age to the mages of Stygga Castle, he was trained in the early Cat School to become a witcher.

Unfortunately for Gezras, he was chosen as one of the test subjects for a new mutation recipe, part of a new process designed to dull the emotions of would-be witchers even more than usual. Contrary to the mages' intentions, however, the formula amplified the witchers' emotions, leaving them permanently unhinged and prone to erratic behaviour. More concerned with discovering the source of their error rather than the well-being of their subjects, the mages caged the spoiled batch, determined to dissect[2] (and vivisect)[1] until a solution could be derived.

Once Gezras woke up he was barely alive and left in a pile of discarded corpses. He crawled out and freed his remaining brothers awaiting dissection. After a miracously successful escape they found refuge among a local group of Aen Seidhe who provided them with a safe sanctuary from those who still sought to abolish their past mistakes. In exchange, Gezras' group supported the elves in their guerilla fight.

Young witchers never forgot the painful experiments the mages had done to them. Having grown in numbers and strength, Felines infiltrated Stygga and slaughtered its sorcerers as they slept in their quarters. The job was finished by royal armies that sieged the castle and killed all of the old witchers over the course of three days. Having sated their vengeance, Gezras' Cats moved north, where they could start anew free from their mired past.

Gezras decided that their new headquarters should be mobile – instead of staying in one place, the Dyn Marv Caravan travelled across the realms, stopping at numerous hiding places to perform mutations and various training camps where new generations were trained. Apart from introducing new, corrupt experimental methods, Dyn Marv Cats accepted renegades and badly mutated witchers rejected by other Schools.

In 1060s witchers of the Cat aided Aelirenn's forces in her rebellion against human rule.[2]

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game[]

Scroll 1: Gezras, born a half-elf, was considered an abomination and sold to the mages of Stygga castle at a very young age. His mutations were part of a new process designed to dull the emotions of would-be witchers even more than usual. The new recipe, however, failed... spectacularly so. Instead of inhibiting emotions, the method⁠— quite ironically⁠—enhanced them, leaving Gezras and his new brothers permanently unhinged and prone to erratic behaviour.
Scroll 2: More concerned with discovering the source of their error than the well-being of their test subjects, the mages caged their spoiled batch with the determination to dissect until a solution could be derived. Upon waking in a pile of discarded corpses, barely alive, Gezras was able to crawl out and free his remaining imprisoned brothers. Together, they somehow managed to escape into the night before the mages' labour could resume.
Scroll 3: Over the next few years, they found refuge among the Aen Seidhe, who helped them hide from those still seeking to abolish their past mistakes. In exchange for their sanctuary, they used their skills to engage in guerilla warfare and assassinations on behalf of the elves.
Scroll 4: Having grown in numbers and strength, the Feline witchers set forth to infiltrate the quarters of their misguided creators, slaughtering them as they slumbered. Their vengeance finally sated, Gezras led his newly-formed School of the Cat north where, free from their mired past, they could start anew.
Chest: The Witcher School of the Cat did not have one specific home. Over the years, there were numerous hiding places in which witchers subjected their adepts to mutations. They created numerous camps where they trained together. Nevertheless, the founder of the Cats was indeed "created" in Stygga Castle, and thus—it was their first home. Not for long, however. In rebellion against those who created them, young Gezras led other witchers to escape the castle. Needless to say, they had to earn their freedom by force. After the painful experiments they were subjected to, many were more than eager to bleed the mages that had wronged them. Later, the Cats grew stronger, bolstering their ranks with badly mutated witchers who had been rejected by other schools. The outcasts gathered together to raise the next generations through corrupt experimental methods. Over time, their warped mutations and aggressive disposition earned them the disdain of other schools.


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Gezras was not fond of humans and preferred to operate with the Aen Seidhe.


  • As Gezras' foster father sold him to Stygga mages, it's most likely that the Feline was not in fact from Leyda; like Geralt of Rivia, the famed witcher presumably chose his moniker himself, creating a faux identity as a means to have homeland.


