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Witcher Wiki
Disambig icon This article is about the villager. For the witcher, see Gerd (witcher).

Gerd was a poor Redanian living around the Novigrad region in 1272.


Around that time, Rostan Muggs was visiting the area and got drunk and proceeded to play gwent against Gerd, offering his employer's title to property in the match. However, the dwarf lost and, desperate to get the title back, smashed his bottle against Gerd but when Gerd pulled a weapon out, Rostan ran off. Despite not knowing how to read, Gerd knew the seals on the document were important and planned to talk to someone that was better educated to learn their worth.

If Geralt helps Rostan: Geralt approached Gerd, erroneously believing he stole the documents, but Gerd informed the witcher the truth of what happened. However, he soon lost the documents to the witcher.

Associated quest[]
