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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked
"Do you really wish to know?" — Spoilers from the books and/or adaptations to follow!
Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked

Folkert was a light-haired halfling and the apprentice of the herbalist Otto Bamber around 1272. His mentor appeared to hold him in high regard, considering him dutiful and well mannered.


While working for Otto, Folkert was sent to Deadwight Wood to gather some han fiber but disappeared. Otto, worried over this sudden disappearance, posted a contract for help in learning what happened to his apprentice.

It turns out that Folkert had been near Erde and eventually his body was cannibalized by an elderly couple living in this otherwise abandoned village. How he died though is unclear. The elderly couple claimed he'd been attacked by wolves in the area, came to them for help, but they told him to go home as they didn't want trouble. However, ever persistent, Folkert went back into the woods to gather herbs and was killed by the pack and the couple merely salvaged his body to eat. The other story suggests the couple may have murdered him (or finished him off after an initial wolf attack).

Associated quest[]
