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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked
"Do you really wish to know?" — Spoilers from the books and/or adaptations to follow!
Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked

Big Quote Left
Go to hell, I asked you politely.
Big Quote Right
- Gwent: The Witcher Card Game
Audio version: Media:Istredd voice line.mp3

Istredd of Aedd Gynvael, born as Val, was a well-respected sorcerer who had a keen interest in archaeology, ecology, and history.


Early life[]

While still a mere stripling, when my peers were running around fields with bows, fishing or playing odds and evens, I was poring over manuscripts. My bones and joints ached from the stone floor in the tower – in the summer, of course, because in the winter the enamel on my teeth cracked. I would cough from the dust on old scrolls and books until my eyes bulged from their sockets, and my master, old Roedskilde, never passed up an opportunity to flog me with a knout, clearly believing that without it I would not achieve satisfactory progress in my studies. I didn’t enjoy soldiering or wenching or drinking during the years when all those pleasures taste the best.’
- Istredd, Sword of Destiny

Named Val by his parents,[1] the boy who would become Istredd joined Ban Ard Academy at very young age.[2] As an apprentice, Istredd studied under Roedskilde – a strict teacher who considered lashing an appropriate method of encouraging his student to learn.[1] After finishing his education, Istredd moved into a small village where he started to publish papers concerning magical research; the papers slowly made their way to meetings and conclaves, but were considered so specific and filled with rarefield jargon that even his peers rarely read them. As decades passed, Istredd's research began to focus on history[2] and ecology.

At one point of his life Istredd met Yennefer,[1] possibly while she was still learning at Aretuza.[3] Over this period their relationship evolved into long-time love, and he was often visited by Yenna who would listen to his theories and stay with him for several months.[1]

Aedd Gynvael and archeological research[]

Gwent cardart northern istredd

Conducting excavations

Not long ago, Istredd dug something up by the southern embankment and is now burrowing around there like a mole. And he’s put some men to work on the excavation. I went over there and asked politely, why, master, are you digging holes like a child, folk are beginning to laugh. What is in that ground there? And he looks at me like I’m some sort of pillock and says: “History”. What do you mean, history? I asks. And he goes: “The history of humanity. Answers to questions. To the question of what there was, and the question of what there will be”. There was fuck-all here, I says to that, except green fields, bushes and werewolves, before they built the town. And what there will be depends on who they appoint viceroy in Rakverelin; some lousy half-elf again. And there’s no history in the ground, there’s nothing there, except possibly worms, if someone’s fond of angling. Do you think he listened? Fat chance. He’s still digging.

Istredd eventually moved in to Aedd Gynvael and became the city's resident mage. He lived in a tall white house near the marketplace, right between the storehouse and the armoury, and eventually gained respect both from the citizens and outsiders, with Mayor Herbolth considering him an invaluable figure.

At one point, Istredd discovered an artifact near the city's southern embankment and hired men to help him with a large-scale excavation. Not long after, Aedd Gynvael was visited by Yennefer, joined by Geralt of Rivia. When the two men learned of each other, they were unwilling to share Yennefer, with Istredd not caring if Yennefer had several non-serious lovers, but refusing to share her with someone she was seriously in love with. During this time, he asked her to marry him and live together at his residence. Yennefer did not immediately give him an answer and became torn between picking Istredd or Geralt.

After weeks, Istredd and Geralt challenged each other to a duel to the death for Yennefer's affections (although they both knew whoever won would have to hide from her for some time until her rage ended). Both believed that Yennefer could not decide between them. However, Istredd, before going to fight Geralt, received a letter from an enchanted kestrel sent by Yennefer telling him she had chosen to leave him.

In grief, Istredd turned up to the fight bearing a sword instead of magic, hoping that Geralt would kill him. The witcher met him in the agreed location, but once he found out that Yennefer had left Istredd, as she had left the witcher a similar note, he decided to leave without fighting.[1]

Istredd magic

Istredd was considered to be one of the most skilled mages in Kovir and Poviss.

Later life[]

Istredd apparently continued to reside in Aedd Gynvael long enough to become known as Istredd of Aedd Gynvael.[4] At one point he published "Monumenta Elforum", a tome devoted to Aen Seidhe history that he dedicated to Yennefer.[5] He was counted by Sheala de Tancarville among those mages of Hengfors League and Kovir and Poviss who were more worthy than her of joining the Lodge.[4]



