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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked
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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked

Eggar was a Vergeni dwarf from the Pontar Valley.


In 1271 Eggar traveled to Vergen with his fellow dwarf, Barclay Els, where they were celebrated by the locals and tasked by Saskia to kill a chelonodrake. Joining the two dwarfs were Yarpen Zigrin, Maevarienn and Geralt of Rivia, as well as Saskia.

The company rode to a nearby marsh, just after a nasty encounter with a pack of nekkers. At the marsh they found the chelonodrake in a nearby lake, next to a group of drowners. During the fight with the drowners, one struck Eggar in the back, though he did survive, just before the group quickly killed the rest of them. He survived the fight with the chelondrake, but then left the company.
