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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked
"Do you really wish to know?" — Spoilers from the books and/or adaptations to follow!
Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked


'We set off from Brokilon on a deranged mission,' he began slowly. 'Taking a lunatic risk, we launched ourselves on an insane quest for a mirage without the slightest chance of success. A quest for a phantom, a daydream, an absolutely impossible ideal. We set off in pursuit like idiots, like madmen. But I didn't utter a word of complaint, Geralt. I didn't call you a madman. I didn't ridicule you. For you had hope and love in you. You were being guided by them on this reckless mission. I was too, as a matter of fact. But I've caught up with the mirage, and I was lucky enough that the dream came true. My mission is over. I've found what is so difficult to find. And I intend to keep it. Is that insanity? It would be insanity to give it up and let it slip through my fingers.'
- Dandelion to Geralt, pg. 98, The Lady of the Lake (U.K. edition)
In my book, friendship is all that matters. Well, friendship and love. And art. Oh, and wine...
- Dandelion to Geralt, Blood and Wine expansion