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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked
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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked

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I'm ready.
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- Cerys, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Audio version: Media:Cerys voice line.ogg

Cerys an Craite, aka "Sparrowhawk", was the daughter of Crach an Craite, and Hjalmar's younger sister. The young woman was a courageous Skelliger like her father and had inherited all his stubbornness. She was very self-confident and always ready to prove she could fulfill any task as good as a man, which caused her and Hjalmar to have a constant, but good-natured, rivalry. However, unlike her brother, she appeared more levelheaded, choosing to investigate and think things through first before jumping to conclusions.


In 1272, eager to prove her merit as the worth successor to the throne, Cerys sailed to Spikeroog to free Jarl Udalryk from a supposed curse.

If Geralt of Rivia helped her: thanks to Geralt's assistance, her endeavour was successful and the hym possessing Udalryk was eventually expelled, ending his afflictions.

Later on, she was present at the feast at Kaer Trolde, which was soon turned to a massacre by vildkaarls.

If Geralt decides to help her investigate: Cerys adopted a methodical approach and ultimately succeeded in uncovering the culprit: Birna Bran. For her actions, she was subsequently chosen to be the next Queen of the Skellige Isles. Under her rule, Skellige prospered and became a far more peaceful place. Later, as allies, Geralt approached her to ask for assistance in the upcoming battle against the Wild Hunt at Kaer Morhen; while she did not go herself, she sent Hjalmar to help.

Journal entry[]

While in Skellige Geralt finally had the chance to meet Cerys an Craite, the younger of Crach's two children. Known as Sparrowhawk to her friends, she was as fierce and swift as this name would indicate.
Cerys was an islander through and through and the spitting image of her father, having inherited all his courage, resolve and stubbornness. Dauntlessly she sought to prove at every turn that there was no task she could not fulfill as well as - or better than - any man in the islands, including her older brother Hjalmar.
Though Cerys' decision to stake a claim to Skellige's throne came as a shock to everyone else, she had thought it over quite thoroughly beforehand. Striving as always to outdo her brother, she intended to perform a great deed that would earn her widespread recognition and respect.
That is why she had sailed to Spikeroog to free Jarl Udalryk from the strange affliction that seemed to curse him.
If Geralt helps Cerys in Possession:
Cerys did what she set out to do - with the witcher's help she freed clan Brokvar's leader from the wraith that had tormented him for years.
If Geralt sides with Cerys in King's Gambit:
Once again Sparrowhawk gave proof of her cunning, this time by unmasking Birna's plot and cleansing the shame from her clan's name after the infamous "bloody banquet" at Kaer Trolde.
All these feats convinced the Skelligers that Cerys was fit to be queen. Though it was clear it would take some time before the young ruler could step entirely out of her father and brother's shadow, the greater part of the islanders were pleased and proud with their choice of ruler.
If Geralt doesn't side with either Cerys or Hjalmar in King's Gambit:
Sadly Crach's daughter died alongside her brother during a failed attack on the Nilfgaardian fleet. The inhabitants of Skellige long mourned the brave Sparrowhawk's premature death.

Associated quests[]

Appearance and personality[]

Developer comments[]

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The character Cerys, Crach's daughter, was designed from scratch for the purposes of this game. Called Sparrowhawk by some, this brave, strongwilled, and yet at the same time prudent young woman takes after her father more in manner than appearance.
The clothes Cerys wears combine elements of feminine attire with some more militaristic touches. A woolen gambeson with a fur collar and metal shoulder plates sit atop a base layer consisting of a simple blue dress with ornamental stitching on the sleeves. A wide leather belt similar to the one worn by her father wraps around her waist. Adding a bright splash of color is her red checkered scarf, a symbol showing she belongs to Clan an Craite.
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- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Artbook


  • In the Blood and Wine expansion, there is a gwent card that bears her image and name as part of the Skellige deck.
  • In the original version of the plot, Cerys' true identity was False Ciri, which she tried to keep a secret.[1]
  • In the Polish (original) version her nickname is "Przepióreczka" which is an affectionate form of "Przepiórka" which means "Quail" in English.
  • Cerys is a Welsh name, meaning love or loved one. However, in welsh, the name is pronounced with a hard C. Instead of being pronounced, ser-is, as it is in the game.




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