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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked
"Do you really wish to know?" — Spoilers from the books and/or adaptations to follow!
Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked

Cecilia Bellante was a talented singer and a member of the Mandragora, an exclusive cabal of artists based in Beauclair.


In 1275, Bellante became romantically involved with an unnamed Cintrian man, who was seen in her company throughout the city. One such night, she brought him along to one of the Mandragora's soirées being held at Lady Orianna's estate and where she was set to perform the first act. After her performance, she threw a Koviri orchid into the crowd and headed off for some refreshments as the Cintrian man gave her perfume as a gift. The two then retreated to her private dressing room in the estate and where he proceeded to kill her, having used the singer to get inside the estate to carry out his attempts to recover a valuable jewel that was in the estate owner's possession.

Her body was shortly discovered by Geralt of Rivia and Duchess Anna Henrietta, who had been in pursuit of the Cintrian man for other purposes.

Associated quest[]


  • There's a song on the Blood and Wine soundtrack titled "Searching for Cecilia Bellant", and plays during Geralt's and Anna Henrietta's visit to the soirée.
    • This appears to be incorrectly spelled from the in-game name (missing the "e" at the end of her last name).
  • Orianna, on learning about Cecilia's death, notes it's unfortunate and that the singer always had bad taste in men.