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Big Game Hunter is a witcher contract quest in the Blood and Wine expansion.

Wanted: The White Wolf
The witcher Geralt of Rivia, known as the White Wolf, is wanted to serve as a guide. His potential employer guarantees an ample wage for this unusual contract. For more information, he should go to Count Beledal's temporary base camp in Toussaint.
NOTE: We kindly request all other persons NOT present themselves at said camp under the pretense of being Geralt of Rivia. Count Beledal was not born yesterday and can easily tell who is a witcher and who is faking it. All those journeying to his camp in shabby costumes with wooden swords strapped to their backs can save themselves the trouble and turn back.


This quest is usually started by picking up Wanted: The White Wolf at pretty much any notice board in Toussaint, but you can also directly find the employer Count Beledal near Chuchote Cave.

Talk to him and he will explain that he wishes to "preserve" (pictures of) interesting wildlife for his daughter, Clarissa, and needs your escort for that. You can haggle for your reward and, being a wealthy man, he will agree to pay any amount you request. After agreeing to help, he will give you a map which you have to read in order to learn the general locations of creatures he is interested in.

Note: The quest cannot be done when it's dark so you will have to meditate till morning if it's late. In fact, if started in the late afternoon, time will at some point change to an earlier hour. As you have to protect the count during his endeavour, fast travelling will also be disabled for the duration of the quest.

After reading the map, you have 3 marked locations to explore. The nearest is an area where you have to look for panthers, and at the other two you have to track giant centipedes. The order doesn't really matter, so just head to the first one.

Finding the Panthers[]

If you came here first, you will see a Bear but the Count doesn't want you to attack it, so keep your distance (just stay on the hill) to avoid fighting it. Simply moving on to the next location will make it go away on its own. If you get too close to the bear, you will have to fight it.

2 smaller markers will appear on your map, and in the next area will only have some deer running around, although it's easy to skip this one even by accident. At the second spot you will find a panther and her cub nearby. The mother is caught in a bear trap and you have to free it by opening the trap, however before you do, use Axii on her else you will be forced to fight it.

Giant centipede nest[]

You have 2 areas that you can search for the giant centipedes. For the purposes of the quest, it doesn't matter which one you pick, but going for the northern one may get you dangerously close to wraiths associated with other quests. Use your Witcher Senses to hear the sound of the centipede's burrowing and follow it. Once you find the nests, you will have to find a safe vantage point for the Count. There are 3 positions to choose from, however only the southern one will be appropriate. After you select the correct one, you will have to lure the giant centipede using noise. You can use Aard or a bomb on the nests to lure them out.

Do not attack the centipedes that appear as the count doesn't want you to hurt the creatures and you will fail a mission objective for this. If you're down below you can run around to evade the centipedes, but the safest way is to just throw a bomb from the vantage point previously selected and stay there. Eventually, they will disappear on their own.

Note: These nests don't give XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level when destroyed and cannot be looted afterwards.

Finding the Peacocks[]

As the last task, the count will ask you to find peacocks for him to get a glimpse of their mating rituals as they are adored by his daughter. Geralt will point out the mating rituals ended a month ago and they are unlikely to spread their tails, but Beledal will suggest that Geralt uses his magic to make them do it, which he will agree to try. There will be three locations for you to investigate, and each with an Odorous peacock feather to examine (any one of them will work). Once you find a feather, you can follow the scent trail using your witcher senses or you can just follow the sound of their cries to find them. The count will say he needs to find a good place to record and will run up to a safe place. He will then request you get the tails to spread and you have to use Axii on three peacocks, so the count can "preserve" them. The birds will run away when you try to get close to them and selecting them as targets is tricky; try to stand in one place, they can be selected from a fair distance.

As the count captures the shot however, it turns out that a giant centipede has followed you from the nest and attacks. Kill the centipede and after a short talk you will automatically return back to the camp where Count Beledal's men will reveal that his daughter is disabled, which is why he is travelling the world to collect images for her. The count will pay Geralt and ask if he will show up tomorrow for the exhibit, which you can accept or decline. (150XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level)

If you decline, the quest completes on the spot, but the count tells you to come back to him if you change your mind. He will stay at the camp, but you can only talk to him during the day. If you do, you will be instantly transported to his exhibit at The Scarlet Cardinal Inn, and the rest proceeds as if you agreed initially and went to talk to him there. The quest doesn't resume and you don't receive new objectives, but you still receive rewards.

While still at the camp, you may find Accounts ledger and Letter from the hunter, but they have no effect on the quest.

The Exhibit[]

If you agreed to visit the exhibit, go to Francollarts around noon. You will have an optional objective to look at the paintings first, and you can also find a Letter from the wife of Count Beledal on a drink crate near them. Talk to the count and he will award you with The White Wolf, by Count Beledal, which you can hang in Corvo Bianco. (100XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level) You can then have some optional conversation, after which the quest completes.

Important: If you ask about his daughter this will count as "Proof of Compassion" but only if you freed the Panther without killing it.

Journal Entry[]

One day, Geralt happened upon an unusual contract notice. Someone was seeking the aid not of some unnamed witcher, but specifically of the witcher named Geralt of Rivia. The notice listed no other details, so Geralt, admittedly intrigued, resolved to see what was the issue.
The individual so intent on employing the White Wolf and no other was a certain Count Beledal, a nobleman from Kovir. The aristocrat wished to embark on a nature trek with the legendary witcher, and my dearest friend, as his guide. As the count was offering an exceptionally generous fee, and the job seemed simple enough in its nature, Geralt did not take long to accept the job.
The excursion with the Koviri noble proved rather refreshing, though not nearly as safe and certainly not as boring as Geralt had initially assumed it would be. During its course, the witcher was forced to fight giant centipedes, to tame a number of panthers, and to attempt to control a flock of peacocks. In a word, he had a grand old time, while at the excursion's end his coin pouch grew markedly heavier.
Pleased with the excursion and with Geralt for proving a consummate professional, Count Beledal invited the witcher to attend a picnic he was to host the very next day.
To refuse the invitation of a luminary such as Count Beledal would have been tactless. Thus Geralt appeared at the nobleman's temporary residence at the appointed time. There he had an opportunity to view the paintings his host had produced based on the illusions he had captured during their excursions using the parestisomach. Grateful for the excellent job the witcher had done as his guide, the count decided to additionally reward him, granting Geralt one of his works.


  • Talk to Count Beledal.
  • Check Count Beledal's map to find good spots from which to spot animals.
  • Escort Count Beledal.
  • Escort Count Beledal near the panthers' lair.
    • Use your Witcher Senses to find the panthers.
    • [Optional] Calm the panther.
    • Free the panther from the trap.
  • Lead Count Beledal to the giant centipedes' lair.
    • Use your Witcher Senses to locate giant centipedes.
    • Follow the sound.
    • Find a place with a good view of the lair.
    • Wait for the count.
    • Destroy the nest to flush the giant centipedes out.
    • Wait for the count to "preserve" the giant centipedes.
    • Return to Count Beledal.
  • Lead the count to the place where peacocks live.
    • Use your Witcher Senses to find the peacocks' tracks.
    • Follow the peacocks' trail.
    • Wait until the count is ready.
    • Use the Axii Sign to force the peacocks to open their tails. 3/3
    • Kill the giant centipede. (150XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level)
  • If agreed to attend the exhibition:
    • Wait until noon tomorrow and go to the picnic.
    • At noon, go to Count Beledal's lodgings and take part in the picnic.
    • [Optional] Peruse the exhibit.
    • Talk to Count Beledal. (100XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level)


  • There are multiple armed snares near the panther and cub, which if stepped on can deliver small damage to Geralt. They are easily avoidable though and can even be disarmed.
  • If you decline the count's invitation to the exhibit and then visit Francollarts without talking to him, you will see the event taking place regardless, only without him there.
  • If you ask the count about his daugher at the exhibit, he mentions that he's interested in sylvans and Geralt will refer him to Torque.
  • Multiple unobtainable items associated with the quest exist in the game files, suggesting that there was more originally intended for it:
    • A key (item ID 'sq703_cellar_key'), which appears without a label and doesn't seem to unlock anything.
    • An empty book (item ID 'lore_biography_beledals_grandfather'), also without a label. Possibly meant to be Beledal: The True Story of a Poultry-Raising Genius, but broken due to string mismatches.
    • An unknown object with item ID 'sq703_megascope_switch'. However, this may simply be a placeholder for the "Parestisomach's" trigger, which the count himself holds.
    • A recipe a "sleeping potion" and recipe for it with 4 custom ingredients, one of which was kikimore eggs.


  • A possible reference to Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451" can be found in this side quest. Count's daughter is similar to Clarissa McClellan name and fatewise.
  • In the Polish version of the game, the voice of the Exhibition Curator is provided by Krystyna Czubówna, famous for doing Polish dubs of nature documentaries.