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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked
"Do you really wish to know?" — Spoilers from the books and/or adaptations to follow!
Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked

Berem was a lycanthrope from around Crookback Bog in Velen.


Meeting Geralt[]

If Ciri didn't return to Tor Gvalch'ca: in 1272, Geralt returned to the bog to hunt down the last of the three crone sisters, Weavess, and take back Ciri's stolen witcher medallion, which was originally Vesemir's. Berem found Geralt in the swamp and introduced himself.

If Geralt kills Berem: Geralt decided Berem was too much a threat and killed him to protect the area, and Geralt found Weavess on his own.
If Geralt allows Berem to live: Geralt saw that Berem could help him, getting the werewolf to take him through the swamp and lead him to Weavess.

Associated quest[]
