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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked
"Do you really wish to know?" — Spoilers from the books and/or adaptations to follow!
Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked

Benoit was the ducal sommelier for the duchy of Toussaint, serving under Duchess Anna Henrietta.


At some point, Benoit had lost his job due to a scandal involving Baronesses Veronique and Jacqueline. However, he was later reinstated to the position of ducal sommelier.[1]

In 1275, he assisted Geralt of Rivia in the investigation of the Beast of Beauclair. A sheet of paper stained with wine was found in the toy shop where the Beast was staying. When Benoit was presented with the paper, he correctly identified the wine that made the stain as being the 1269 vintage of Sangreal, a wine produced exclusively for the ducal table. This allowed the duchess to determine that Castel Ravello should be investigated next, as it was the only known Sangreal-producing vineyard in existence.

Associated quest[]

