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Tw3 achievements dendrologist unlocked
"That white-haired bloke... Gerard? Gerwant?" — The actual name of this subject is conjectural or unknown.
Tw3 achievements dendrologist unlocked

The battle of the village near Owl Hills was fought on 7 August 1267 between the Bruggian infantry defenders and the invading Nilfgaardian Army, who were supported by Verdenian cavalry and the Scoia'tael.[1]


After the beginning of the invasion of Brugge through Drieschot during the Second Northern War, the Imperials reached the unnamed village on the 7th. The defending infantry, holding out behind stone walls, fences, and upturned wagons, after roughly an hour had repulsed three attacks by the cavalry, who came charging at them from the causeway. The width of the causeway didn't permit the horsemen to gain enough momentum for a frontal attack, but allowed the foot soldiers to concentrate their defence. As a result, waves of cavalry repeatedly foundered on the barricades, behind which the desperate but fierce soldiers were shooting a hail of quarrels and arrows into the mounted throng. The cavalry seethed and teemed under this assault, and then the defenders rushed at them in a rapid counter-attack, fighting furiously with battle-axes, guisarmes, and studded flails. The cavalry retreated to the ponds, leaving human and equine corpses behind, while the infantry concealed themselves among the barricades and hurled filthy insults at the enemy. After a while, the cavalry formed up and attacked once again, which resulted in another small victory for the Bruggians.

After a while, another attack descended on the Bruggian infantry, but this time from two sides simultaneously; Verdenians galloped along the causeway, while a powerful cavalry force in black clocks dashed out from behind the ponds, striking the defender's flank. The Bruggian infantry stood no chance; the cavalry forced their way through the barricades and ripped the defenders apart with their swords. Some of the infantrymen laid down their arms and surrendered; others tried to escape towards the trees. But as they ran a third unit emerged from the trees and attacked; a mixed band of light Scoia'tael cavalry.

The captives were driven into a huddle, surrounded by a ring of soldiers. On the orders of a knight in a black-plumed helmet, the horsemen began to slash and stab the unarmed villagers, who were trampled by horses as they fell. The village was then burned to the ground and abandoned.[1]

