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Barylka was a stray dog in Velen whose owner had been killed when bandits attacked their small village, Drudge in 1272.


If Geralt meets and follows the dog: Geralt, having rescued the dog from a pack of wolves, noted the dog was rather friendly and had a key sewn into its collar. The dog then led Geralt to his former owner's hut and the witcher deduced what'd happened. However, when he went back outside to see Barylka, the dog was nowhere to be found.

If Geralt doesn't save the dog: Unfortunately Barylka met their end when a pack of wolves attacked the dog, killing it.

If Geralt helps but doesn't follow: Barylka tried to get the witcher to follow, but for whatever reason Geralt didn't. The dog was never seen again.

Associated quest[]

