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Bart was a troll who served Dijkstra in Novigrad. He was originally from Zerrikania where he guarded over camels.


Bart guarded camels for a Zerrikanian camel merchant before Dijkstra won him from the merchant in a card game. He was taken to Sigismund's Bathhouse in Novigrad where Dijkstra tasked him with protecting a treasure repository used by the Big Four.

In 1272, the treasure was stolen in a heist during which the wall separating the vault from a sewer was breached. Bart ventured into the sewer but was incapacitated by pops' mold, which allowed the thieves to make off with the loot. Bart had developed a rapport with Dijkstra, and was beat up about failing to protect what he called the "chorfun" (fortune), deeming the successful theft to be his own fault. He recounted the events of the heist to Geralt, whom Dijkstra had tasked with recovering the lost assets.

Later, Philippa Eilhart fled into the sewers after being held in Dijkstra's bathhouse, taking Bart, who stood in her way, under her control in the process. Geralt, in pursuit of Philippa, encountered Bart in the bathhouse's dungeon, and had the choice of either killing him, or persuading him to be let through.

Journal entry[]

Bart, the troll guarding Dijkstra's treasure, could have been the poster boy for the latest craze among Novigrad's wealthy strata, a trend that had swept over everyone from bankers and merchants to underworld crime bosses. The fashion in question prized guards marked not just by fierce loyalty, but also by massive size, endless stamina and crushing physical strength. A well-developed intellect, on the other hand, was considered unnecessary and quite possibly detrimental to the guard's performance. To be blunt, a good watchman should be brainless enough to render any thought of betraying his master impossible.
That is why trolls, ogres and, as a last result, magic crossbreeds were highly prized for such roles.

Associated quests[]

