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Aiden was a witcher of the Cat School, and the best friend of Lambert of the Wolf School.


Aiden had been hired to kill the Ogre of Ellander at the same time Lambert had been hired to lift the curse from it. After the ogre killed Lambert's employer, he cut a deal with Aiden and they split the reward for killing the monster between them.

Aiden and Lambert worked together a lot after their success with the Ogre, Lambert learning Aiden was nothing like the hired assassins of his school.

At some point Aiden took a contract to lift a curse off a duke's daughter, which was a political mess due to some of the duke's courtiers having designs and not wanting the curse lifted from the duke's first born. These courtiers hired Jad Karadin's band of trained assassins to ambush Aiden.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt[]

Lambert told Geralt the story of his friendship with Aiden, and his demise by Jad Karadin, after Geralt witnessed Lambert killing Supervisor Lund in Novigrad. After questioning the elf Vienne about her role as part of Karadin's group, Geralt agreed to help Lambert track down Karadin and the remaining members of his group.

To the surprise of both Wolf School Witchers, Jad Karadin turned out to be a witcher also of the Cat School, and he had his own version of the story.

Karadin claimed that Aiden took the payment for the contract, bungled the job and left when the girl died. His group was hired as debt collectors, and when they asked Aiden for his swords to repay the money he'd spent, tempers flared. According to Karadin, Vienne lost her nerve in her position as sniper and hit Aiden square in the eye.

Karadin's story left Geralt with the decision on whether Lambert should be allowed to follow through with his revenge, or if he should spare Karadin despite Aiden's death.

Regardless of the outcome, Aiden is described by Lambert as "the best man I'd ever met".

Associated Quest[]
