Dialogue creation in Kcd

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Warning: For all of this to properly work you need to have properly set up database as is described here: https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Setting_up_Database

1. Start “Skald.exe” in “KingdomComeDeliverance\Tools\Skald”.

2. Select your database and click “Load”:


3. If you have “Read-only mode” checked then uncheck it:


4. Click on “New”:


5. Now click on "Quest" and enter a name:


6. When you are finished with writing the name of the quest press enter and select “BR. DIALOGUE”:


7. Now write name of the branched dialogue, press enter, select location, press enter, select daytime and press enter. After you are done you should see something like this:


8. Select a role which you want to start a dialogue and press enter. Usually you will want Henry to start the dialogue:


9. After you selected the role you can write first sequence of the dialogue. When you are done press enter. You should now see this:


10. Now you can insert existing role that will reply to Henry or add a new one. To add a new one simply write a name you want for the role and press enter. If the role doesn’t yet exist, you will be asked if you want to create a new role:


11. Press enter to save the role and write a sequence you want NPC to say. When you are done writing, press enter three times and select “END TOPIC”. That will return dialogue back to root of the dialogue.


12. Now you need to enter entry condition for the dialogue otherwise it would not be accessible in game. To do that change mode of Skald to script:


13. Enter entry condition. If you want the dialogue to be available all the time just write “1”.


14. Now click on save:


15. You will be asked to select a chapter you want this subchapter to save. You can choose whichever you want and then save by pressing “open”:


16. You also need to select project of the subchapter. To do that go to “FILE” and find your subchapter:


17. Then select the project and save again:


18. Now you need to assign role you created to Npc. To do that go to this directory: “KingdomComeDeliverance\Data\Libs\Storm\roles\test” and create a new xml file there or copy existing one and edit it like this:


19. Now open file “storm.xml” in this directory “KingdomComeDeliverance\Data\Libs\Storm” and enter a path to xml file you created:


20. Now start up “Storm.exe” which you should have in this directory “KingdomComeDeliverance\Tools\Storm” and enter your database branch by pressing “d” and press enter:


21. Locate your input xml that is “storm.xml” in “KingdomComeDeliverance\Data\Libs\Storm” by pressing “i”, selecting storm.xml” file and pressing enter:


22. Now press “a” to accept options. If everything is ok then you should see this:


23. Press “r” to run a task and then press “1” to assign a role. Then you should see something like this:


24. Press “c” to commit operations. This will save it to your database.

25. Start editor.exe in “KingdomComeDeliverance\Bin\win64releasedll” and close initial welcoming box - you don’t need to open any level.

26. View a “Script ToolBar” by right clicking somewhere on upper section of the editor and selecting it:


27. Click on “Reload\Rebuild” and then select “reloadDialogsAndRoles”. This will generate “topictorole” table in “KingdomComeDeliverance\Data\Libs\tables\text” which is necessary for dialogue to properly work:


28. Now click on “Tools” then select “Wh Tools” and click on “Modding”:


29. In modding tool window click on “Create new mod”:


30. Fill out “Name”, “Normalized name” should fill out automatically if you have checked “auto create normalized name”, Description is not mandatory. After you are done click on “Create this mod”:


That should create folder with a name you entered before in “KingdomComeDeliverance\mods” with “mod.manifest” file in it.

31. Now click on “Create mod tables” in modding tool window:


This process takes several seconds and after it’s completed you should see a window looking something like this:


This generates all changes you made in database and you can find all generated tables in “KingdomComeDeliverance\Data\Libs\tables”.

32. Now you just need to click on “Pack tables” in modding tool window”:


After that you should see a window looking something like this:


This creates a “tables_patch.pak” file with all your changes to game tables in “KingdomComeDeliverance\mods\nameOfYourMod\data”.

33. Congratulations! If you did everything right, you should now see the dialog in game when you launch the game from Steam.

Be warned that I didn’t explained here how to export texts which is necessary for not having only string names in dialogues.