Where the Bees Make Honey

Where the Bees Make Honey tells a story about reflecting on different moments from a childhood, which are played and experienced from an adult perspective. At its core Where The Bees Make Honey is a narrative puzzle adventure game, with playable childhood moments filtered throughout.

Where the Bees Make Honey tells a story about reflecting on different moments from a childhood, which are played and experienced from an adult perspective. 

It's a dreamy, ethereal, and thoughtfully crafted experience about nostalgia. The game is capturing that grace period in a childhood where playing dress up was larger than life and changed the environments around you. 

More screenshots here!

At a Glance

Developer:  Brian Wilson

Founded:  2017

Location:  Erie, Pennsylvania

Press Contacts:  hello@whitethorngames.com, bwilson@whitethorngames.com

Release Date:  March 26th, 2019

Targeted Platforms:  Xbox One X, PS4 Pro, PC

Follow: @wtbmh @blanketswilson




Where The Bees Makes Honey is the brainchild of Brian Wilson. The game was conceptualized after the recurring idea of playing pretend as kids. Through the lens of liminality, Brian wanted to capture the idea of being at one place, but being able to view it from different perspectives. This was realized after visiting a local lake over the course of his life, and understanding that the lake had the stayed the same but his appreciation for it had changed as he grew older. Brian started development in early 2016 while receiving an Associate of Science degree in Multimedia Programming, Simulation and Gaming from the Community College of Allegheny County.



At its core Where the Bees Make Honey is a puzzle adventure game, but gameplay variation is filtered throughout. When game's main character Sunny is an adult reflecting on the times when she was young, the game is played in a first-person perspective. This transition period takes place at her workplace, where she is ultimately at a crossroads with what to do next in her life.

Spring Vignette


Playable vignettes will allow for the game to transition into each season. This allows for a more focused approach for storytelling and player engagement. The vignettes will be respective to the season they are transitioning to so the gameplay will vary from arcade styled vehicle gameplay to stealthy interactions.