
Department meeting minutes .

This document briefly records a few important items discussed in department meetings.

2023-2024 Academic year cabinet role

This documents documented the cabinet role for this year with some major tasks in each position.

Current Projects Quick Links:

  1. Tenure Prof hiring.
  2. Visiting Prof hiring.
  3. Faculty mentoring.
  4. Class observation: Assignment table, Observation form (which needs to be sent to Dana afterward.)
  • If you wish to put on more links as a shortcut to your current project, please contact Min-Feng Tu.

Physics Faculty Workspace

For more information about the past documents, please click on the Shared Drive link which takes you to where all the files are. If it fails, you can still go your google Drive -> Shared With Me -> Physics Faculty Workspace. This Drive is created by Wesleyan Physics account and will be permanent. In the mean time, I would encourage every member update their files or folders in the Drive, so that the materials will remain in physics department if one leaves in the future.

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