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Welcome to the P3PToolbox

P3P Toolbox is a one-stop resource developed by the Internet Education Foundation in cooperation with the World Wide Web Consortium and a coalition of Internet industry leaders and public interest organizations to provide privacy officers and Webmasters with the information they need to make their Web sites P3P compliant. The site is no longer active and is being hosted here by Internet Education Foundation for archival purposes.

If you have questions about P3P enabling your web site, please join the www-p3p-policy mailing list. To subscribe, email with "subscribe" in the Subject. This mailing list is publicly archived at

Last updated December 13, 2005.

Continue to the P3P Toolbox web site.

P3P Headlines

Lorrie Cranor Publishes Book Called "Web Privacy With P3P"

Netscape Releases Navigator 7.0 Beta with P3P Implementation

W3C Announces P3P as Recommendation

IBM Releases New P3P Tool

Upcoming Events

W3C Workshop on the Future of P3P

Dulles, Virginia: November 12 and 13, 2002

P3P Implementation Workshop Series

IEF and The P3P Implementation Project is hosting a national series of P3P Implementation Workshops to provide businesses, government agencies and non-profits with the information they need to implement P3P on their Web sites. Check here for more information on specific events as it becomes available.

Toronto: June 19, 2002

For more information and materials, including Power Point presentations from the Pacific Northwest, Silicon Valley/Bay Area, New York, Boston and Washington, DC events, please check the events section.

View the video of the Washington, DC event.