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Freedom of Information Committee

The Freedom of Information Committee monitors and takes action on local and statewide FOI and First Amendment issues. Its activities involve FOI bills In the California Legislature, local sunshine ordinances, press access to city government, educational workshops, a series of FOI pocket guides.  The committee also coordinates the chapter’s annual James Madison Freedom of Information Awards dinner and oversees the nomination process. The dinner occurs in March.  (To submit a nomination, please visit:

The FOI Committee meets monthly in San Francisco.

Committee contacts:

  • Mark Conrad and Rebecca Bowe are co-chairs.
  • You can reach the committee directly, at:
  • FOI Online Resources:

    Freedom of Information Act: html
    California Public Records Act: html | PDF

    Pocket Guide To Access To Courts And Courts Records: html | PDF

    Bagley-Keene Act: html
    Brown Act: html | PDF



    Media Committee


    The Media Committee was established to engage and inform the public and practitioners about evolving issues that affect professional standards, economic sustainability, editorial independence, diversity and constitutional values
    Members include Michael Collier, Robin Evans, Liz Enochs and Tom Murphy.
    For more information on the Media Committee, or to join, contact:
    Liz Enochs,


    Diversity Committee

    The SPJ Diversity Committee aims to improve the fairness and accuracy of journalism through initiatives to help diversify newsroom staff and help reporters broaden the voices and perspectives in the news. Our current project introduces consumer magazine editors to reporters with experience in multicultural reporting and provides professional education in freelancing strategies.


    Membership Committee

    This committee has need of volunteers who can help find suitable locales (yes, this means checking out taverns) for occasional professional mixers, suggest guests and even design membership information materials.

    To find out more about the Membership Committee, or to join, contact:

    Elizabeth Tomei,

    Tom Murphy,


    Programs Commmittee

    The Program/Professional Development committee devises and produces projects of professional development and topical, journalist interest. The committee is currently planning a half day program in April on the ethics of wartime reporting.

    Committee contact:


    Ethics Committee

    The ethics committee tracks regional and national ethics issues and hosts occasional programs on topical issues. In addition, it works with other chapter committees to develop ethics-related programming in conjunction with their activities. One such event in the works is a July 2003 conference aimed at bringing magazine editors and writers of color together.

    Diane Keaton,


    Excellence in Journalism Award Committee

    Each November the NorCal chapter honors Bay Area journalists whose work best reflects the SPJ ideals of initiative, integrity and compassion. During the year, the EIJ committee organizes the annual awards program and coordinates the nomination process and judging session.

    See a list of the winners here.


    L.A. Chung,

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