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New York Post
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Last Update: 08:00 PM EDT
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AFTER hearing about his date at UWS Mediterranean spot Nanoosh, we're left wondering why Andy, a 31-year-old baker, chose Laura, a 27-year-old account executive. They disagreed on food (meat versus veggie), music and even who showed up later to the date! In fact, the only things they did agree upon were the successes of their vanity projects (his band and her podcast). Well, that and how awful this date was. He said: I was across the street on the phone when Laura showed up 10 minutes late. I came over to the restaurant after I saw her arrive, and she gave me a story about rain and the subway -- even though I saw her show up in a cab! We went in to eat, and that's when I learned Laura is a militant vegetarian. Still, I ordered meat because, hey, I like meat. During dinner we talked a bit, but all she kept bringing up was her podcast. She pulled out an iPod and played it for me at the table. For a while I was interested, but after 20 minutes I was ready to chew my own foot off like a coyote caught in a bear trap. We tried to talk about music, but the only band we could agree on was The Beatles. The date ended just as badly as it began -- it was cash-only for the...

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Get ready to rock! Blair, a 25-year-old restaurant server, loves karaoke. But if you can't carry a tune, a good sense of humor will do. Ivan, 26 interior designer He is: not a fan of feet. "I hate them. Come to bed with your socks on!" He wants: a girl who knows how to play the field. "I like girls who like sports." Favorite NYC spot: his bed Celebrity look-alike: Will Smith Best asset: his height Guilty pleasure: Oreos Ex-factor: His ex would say he's easy to please and thoughtful. Jacob, 32 artist He is: a kid at heart. "I like flying kits, having water fights and just acting silly." He wants: a Barbie look-alike. "I love long blond hair and blue eyes." Ex-factor: His ex would say he's romantic, but works too much....

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