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New York Money Authority

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Wall Street Financial
Crisis Tour

Last Edited: Friday, 17 Apr 2009, 6:14 PM EDT
Created On: Friday, 17 Apr 2009, 5:17 PM EDT

MYFOXNY.COM - Lots of people have lost their jobs on Wall Street, but one former trader is back there making money -- as a tour guide. Andrew Luan, a former derivatives trader, is offering what he calls the Financial Crisis Tour -- a 90-minute mix of history with some trivia thrown in, and a heavy dose of inside scoop.


The tour costs $40 per person; runs Monday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday starting at 1pm on Wall Street. Stops include New York Stock Exchange, Federal Hall, AIG, House of Morgan, Trump Tower, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Merchant Exchange, Federal Reserve, Charging Bull, Trinity Church and more.
Here is more about what the Web site says Andrew offers:

--Get the inside story. Hear first hand accounts of the events of the financial crisis and how some traders made billion dollar profits while banks collapsed!

--Learn about the shadow banking system that the government ignored until it was too late. Gain a deeper understanding of the financial markets and recent financial innovations.

--What is it like being a Wall Street Trader? Learn about the trading culture and lifestyle.

--Discover the Financial District's rich history, architecture and trivia. Be inspired by stories of the entrepreneurs who built America's greatest banks. See the skyscraper race within the concrete jungle.





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