Template built by

Telegraf Plugins used:

Included Resources

  • 2 Labels: inputs.stackdriver, GCP
  • 3 Dashboards: CloudSQL, Compute and HTTPS LoadBalancing
  • 1 Variable: bucket
  • 1 Telegraf Config: GCP Stackdriver

Quick Install

If you have your InfluxDB credentials configured in the CLI, you can install this template with:

Google Cloud SQL Monitoring Dashboard

Google Cloud SQL monitoring dashboard

Since its inception, Google Cloud has always been a viable way for businesses of all types to modernize their workloads on a world-class infrastructure without the enormous capital investment that normally comes with it. Not only does it give businesses a chance to protect their data with multilayered security, but it also lets them drive better decision-making with intelligent analytics as well.

But at the same time, Google Cloud must be monitored at all times in a way that makes sure that your technology is properly aligned with your goals as a business, exactly the way it should be.

Why Google Cloud Monitoring

With the Google Cloud Monitoring solution, you can get a comprehensive view across your entire Google Cloud environment, containers, applications and microservices.

This solution is available as an InfluxDB Template that includes dashboards to monitor your:

  • Google Cloud SQL instances
  • Google Compute instances
  • Google Load Balancers

You can combine this with the Kubernetes template to get even more visibility into your GKE instances as well as any metrics you may have from your AWS environment to help you build a true single pane of glass for your hybrid environments.

Why Google Cloud SQL monitoring?

Google Cloud SQL is a fully-managed relational database service for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL server that can connect with nearly any application, anywhere in the world.

This solution monitors your Google Cloud SQL instance to help you maintain a healthy and performant instance of your database. You can visualize the key metrics in a pre-made dashboard or customize the alerts to help you proactively prevent downtime.

Included Resources
  • Google Cloud SQL Dashboard
  • Cloud SQL metrics are taken from cloudsql.googleapis.com/database/mysql measurement and stored in InfluxDB

Why Google Cloud Compute monitoring?

Google Cloud Compute is the Infrastructure as a Service component of Google Cloud Platform which enables you to launch virtual machines on demand. This solution will help you monitor your Compute Engine virtual machine (VM) instance by providing a view into what instances are running and how much resources they are consuming (CPU, Disk, etc.).

Google Cloud Computer

Google Cloud Compute monitoring dashboard

Included Resources
  • Google Compute Monitoring Dashboard

Why Google Cloud HTTPS Load Balancing monitoring?

HTTP(S) Load Balancing log entries contain information useful for monitoring and debugging your HTTP(S) traffic. This information helps to understand the performance and reliability of your applications.

Google Cloud HTTPS Loadbalancer Dashboard

Google Cloud HTTPS load balancing dashboard

How to Use Google Cloud Monitoring Template

Provided that your InfluxDB credentials have already been configured in the CLI, you can install the Google Cloud Monitoring Template with the following command:

influx pkg -u https://raw.githubusercontent.com/influxdata/community-templates/master/gcp_monitoring/gcp_monitoring.yml

Overall, you have three dashboards to choose from depending on your needs. These include:

  • The Cloud SQL dashboard. This displays the relevant metrics of the MySQL database that is hosted within the Google Cloud SQL platform.
  • The Compute dashboard. This is designed to provide even deeper insight into the GCP compute services that are provided by GCP Stackdriver.
  • The HTTPS load balancing dashboard. This is intended to monitor network load balancing in the cluster, which again can be crucial for optimizing performance.

Key Google Cloud monitoring metrics to monitor

Just a few of the key Google Cloud monitoring metrics to monitor using the template include ones like:

  • Basic status, including reserved cores, current state, and uptime.
  • Database server hardware utilization, including CPU utilization and memory utilization
  • Pages read/written
  • Sent/received rate
  • Relative uptime
  • Instance received/sent (measured in bytes)
  • Backend latencies - mean
  • Platform - total latencies - mean

Related Resources

GCP & InfluxData partnership

Learn how you can get more with this powerful partnership.

Solution Blueprint: Google Cloud

Real-time visibility into your entire Google Cloud-based environment for faster root cause analysis.

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