Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines Wiki

Dominate is a Discipline that overwhelms another person's mind with the vampire's will, forcing victims to think or act according to the vampire's decree. While undeniably powerful, its use almost always adheres to two important restrictions: the user must meet the eyes of the target and must speak in language that is clearly heard and understood by the target. Furthermore, this Discipline cannot be used upon Cainites of lower generation and cannot force someone to be self-destructive or defy their Nature. Using Dominate is often considered very heavy-handed, hardly appropriate within what passes for polite vampiric society, but it is also favored by those of age and status as an efficient means of asserting their authority.


Lv Name Duration Cost Description XP Cost
1 Trance Instantaneous 1 The target momentarily sinks into a deep trance. Taking any action against the target will wake them prematurely. Innate
2 Brainwipe 5 seconds 2 All enemies within a small radius will think you've disappeared. 5
3 Suicide Instantaneous 2 Forces the victim to suffer a fatal fit. 10
4 Possession Instantaneous 3 The victim will desperately attack anyone who means you harm, until the victim eventually dies of cardiac arrest. 15
5 Mass Suicide Instantaneous 4 The target and any others near all suffer a fatal episode. 20

Lv Name Duration Cost Description XP Cost
1 Command 15 seconds 1 The target sinks into a mesmerizing trance or starts to dance. Innate
2 Brainwipe 5 seconds 2 All enemies within a small radius will think you've disappeared. 5
3 Sleep 20+ seconds 2 The target will fall asleep for about 20 seconds or longer, becoming completely incapacitated. 10
4 Suicide Instantaneous 3 You impose your will on the victim to suffer a fatal fit. 15
5 Possession 30 seconds 4 The victim will desperately attack anyone who means you harm, until it eventually dies of cardiac arrest. 20



