Making ends meet in San Diego has never been easy.

Inflation is at levels nationwide not seen in a generation, and sanctions over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have pushed already high gas prices even higher, but those effects only add to the pressures already bearing down on households.

We spoke to four families who agreed to breakdown their monthly spending to get a picture of how they’re making it work.

We’ve also combed through energy and water bills to see the policy decisions behind the fees on them, investigated how the single largest cost most families face (housing) ends up increasing the price of the second-largest item (transportation), looked at how pandemic closures changed the daycare industry, and more.

This series explores specific ways that burden impacts residents.

The Stories

What it Takes to Survive in Our Region

The numbers are stacked against San Diegans. Costs are up for housing, gas, utility bills and more. Four individuals gave Voice of San Diego an inside look at their household budgets to show just how much it costs to live in this county.

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