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HTC’s Viveport rolls out a 90% revenue split in favor of developers

Image Credit: HTC

HTC announced today at the Game Developers Conference that it’s rolling out a new revenue split for the Viveport store. More specifically, Viveport offers a 90/10 revenue split, with developers keeping 90% of revenue for games and apps sold as a one-time purchase for PC VR or Vive XR Elite. The new split goes into effect for new games and apps on April 1, and it applies retroactively on March 1 for existing games and apps.

This revenue split is unusual for the games industry — other storefronts, such as Steam and the PlayStation Store, offer a 70/30 split. Even Epic Games, which has publicly criticized this split in the past, offers a slightly less attractive split than HTC at 88/12 in developers favor. HTC has previously increased the revenue to developers as high as 100%, albeit for a limited time in 2020.

Joseph Lin, general manager of Viveport, said in a statement, “Developers are the heartbeat of the XR ecosystem — when they thrive, the whole industry thrives. That’s why we’re introducing a generous 90% revenue share on purchases of apps and games on the Viveport store for developers to accelerate their growth. By putting more resources directly into the hands of the creators, we’re ensuring Viveport is at the forefront of driving growth for the XR community.”