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GEM Capital adds AppMagic, Mundfish, Pixonic CEOs as investment advisors

Image Credit: Gem Capital

GEM Capital announced today that it is adding three new advisors to its investment fund: Robert Bargratuni, CEO of Mundfish; Philipp Gladkov, former CEO of Pixonic and current CEO of Gameram; and Max Samorukov, CEO of AppMagic. Each one of the advisors will offer their expertise on particular areas to the Cyprus-based investment firm, which has invested millions in the games industry within the last year alone.

Bargratuni is the founder of Mundfish and the director of its most recent game, Atomic Heart. He’ll advise on PC and console game selection and development. During Gladkov’s time at Pixonic, the studio launched mobile title War Robots — Gladkov’s expertise is going to support the mobile team, says GEM. Samorukov will bring AppMagic’s data expertise and mobile app market intelligence to the table.

Roman Gurskiy, GEM Capital’s managing director, said in a statement, “Bringing Robert, Philipp, and Max into the fold at GEM Capital is not just about adding advisors; it’s about infusing our team with extraordinary talent and vision. This will shape the future of gaming investing for many years to come. Philipp has a sharp intellect and strategic acumen, Max has fantastic analytical skills and mathematical approaches, and Robert is a marketing maestro with an encyclopedic knowledge of the PC/console sector. Each brings unique skills and perspectives that will undoubtedly elevate GEM Capital to new heights.”

GEM Capital announced late last year that it has raised $50 million to invest in Eastern European studios. Its current portfolio is valued at around $150 million and includes investments in Red Rover Interactive, Sad Cat Studios and Order of Meta. The firm has previously invested in both Mundfish and Gameram.