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Bungie ‘fixes’ Destiny 2’s broken gun by selling it to everyone

Screw this gun.
Image Credit: Dual Shockers

Destiny 2’s Curse of Osiris brought a new gun when it launched on December 5 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. It’s the Prometheus Lens, and it’s incredibly broken.

Most guns in Destiny 2 had strengths and weaknesses. Some might have a lot of power but low range, or a big damage radius but low ammo. Prometheus Lens is a beam-type gun that has a lot of ammo, deals a ton of damage, and can be fired from any range. It is by far the best weapon in Crucible, Destiny 2’s player-vs.-player arena. Bungie has already said that the gun being so strong is a bug, and it is working on a fix. But that won’t come out until next week. Until then, everyone can buy it with in-game currency.

Xur is a special merchant that only appears in Destiny 2 during the weekends. He sells Exotic weapons and equipment, with the selection changing every week. In the past, Bungie has said that the items he sells are completely random. But selling an overpowered weapon that is giving players an unfair advantage to everyone somewhat levels the playing field.

We have asked Bungie if Xur selling Prometheus Lens was intentional. We’ll update this story if they respond. But it seems that Destiny 2 director Luke Smith is acknowledging the situation somewhat on Twitter.

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And a Tweet from Bungie’s Twitter account could indicate that it was intentional.

In the meantime, enjoy some footage of the gun’s incredible destruction.

Some people might have fun with Destiny 2 laser tag, but I’m going to hide until this whole thing blows over.