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Cursor 2Tremor Mod Info
Tremor Mod Remastered was one of the biggest mods for Terraria made on tModLoader before work was abandoned in favor of remaking the mod in the form of Tremor II. Our goal for the mod was to make Terraria even bigger and to fill it with even more content than it has. Tremor Mod offered you a lot of new weapons, monsters to slay and more bosses to kill.

17 new bosses, new Nova Celestial Pillar, 13 new NPCs, 2 brand new invasions, New Glacier mini-biome, new ores, Tremode (a game mode activated by defeating the Moon Lord), new alchemist class, 10 new soundtracks, amazing neat sprites and also support of Boss Checklist Mod - that's what Tremor Mod offered to you!

Right now the Tremor Mod is being remade into Tremor II.

Tremor is publicly available on Github: [1]

Cursor 3Credits
  • The Developers - for all the work on the mod
  • Re-Logic - for creating Terraria
  • Bluemagic123 - big thanks for creating tModLoader and helping with code
  • Jopojelly - for a lot of help with code
  • Milt69466 - for allowing us to use Hardmode Warhammers suggestion and sprites
  • Zoomo - for allowing us to use his summoner improving, Motherboard and Wall of Shadow suggestion and sprites, and also other sprites from his thread
  • DerpoTheMagnificent - for allowing us to use Magmonium suggestion and sprites
  • Snickerbobble - for allowing us to use his Bottled Souls suggestion and sprites
  • Pinelord - for allowing us to use his Space Whale suggestion and making new Whale sprite
  • Sergo - for allowing us to use ideas from his suggestions thread
  • Delicious Saturn - for his great job making music for our mod
  • PhoenixBlade - for making new sprites with tilesheets for some ores
  • Ser_FruKtoz - for allowing us to use Brutallisk suggestion
  • Eli10293 - for making new shields sprites
KnightTown NPCs
