We are a 3 person team. Here are our games so far:

Announcing World of Goo 2!

The original World of Goo came out 15 years ago. The world is a little older now, and so are we. And you. You can’t stop progress!

Welcome, World of Goo 2!

We’ve been quietly revisiting World of Goo. How has it changed in 15 years? What new gameplay possibilities will we discover? What wonderful new creatures and characters and ancient monuments will we meet? We’re still deep in development, but we’re excited to finally share with you some of what we’ve been building, in our very first trailer, above.

The original World of Goo developer 2DBOY has teamed up with Tomorrow Corporation to build the biggest game we’ve ever made. We hope you will love it as much as we’ve loved building and discovering this new world so far.

Lot’s more to share soon. Welcome back, friends. We’re all in this together.

More info here: https://worldofgoo2.com

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72 Responses to “Announcing World of Goo 2!”

  1. Nick_115 says:


  2. Wito says:

    Let’s Fucking Goooooooooooooooooooooo!

  3. Cancerious says:

    holy shit

  4. ZerOcarina says:

    I’M SO EXCITED world of goo changed my life and i’m NOT kidding THIS IS AMAZING THANK YOU SO MUCH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

  5. Bradley "Silly" Lynx says:


    also is this game gonna segue into superhighway

  6. Yarrik says:

    This was so unexpected! This game is going to be legendary like the first one!!

  7. Agster says:

    Trailer for the sequel for the one of the BEST games in my life! So exited for the release!

  8. bugologist2 says:


  9. Sus says:

    Oh well I guess there won’t be an WELCOME TO THE INFORMATIONAL SUPER HIGHWAY

  10. psychpayload says:


  11. gooxolotl says:

    2dpeak comes back again as the absolute fucking heroes of indie puzzles and once again has blessed us

  12. Calobbes says:

    Let’s Goo!

    So very excited about this. Wishing all people involved with the project the heartiest of well wishes, and the best of luck. I still replay the first one every now and then, and the whole OST is still in my top 10.

    Cant wait! Good luck!

  13. samie says:


  14. I LOVE MOLD says:


  15. World of Goo was the first game I ever played. I am very excited to see what you all have learned in fifteen years. After Gabler and Blomquist parted ways, I never thought I’d see the day!

  16. Illirion_109 says:

    My father showed me this game at the age of 4, this game influenced the formation of my views on life, values and habits, when suddenly a sequel was announced. I’m looking forward to the release of the game!

  17. Alex says:

    World of Goo was the game that inspired me to get into art and making video games. When I saw this during TGA, my heart pounded and my head went through the roof and beyond the moon. Can’t wait to play.

  18. Henry says:

    I’m crying.

  19. TomatOgorodow says:

    Will see how cool it will feel compared to the first game C:
    But what happened to Information Superhighway tho?

    • Jeroen says:

      You know that feeling after playing a video game, how you wasted your time? World of Goo was the ONLY game where I did not have that feeling. So I’m very much looking forward to not waste my time with World of Goo 2!

    • Jeffy says:

      I don’t work with 2DBoy or Tomorrow Corporation myself sadly, but I have a feeling they’re developing both games more or less at once. WTTISH will probably come out after WOG2 is finished I bet. Since once WOG2 is finished they can of course work more on WTTISH, after a nice deserved break if they want to take one. I hope things don’t get rushed, that would kinda suck.

  20. Coxxs says:

    Thank you! WoG 2 made this TGA the best one in my mind.

  21. Bob says:

    One of my favourite games ever made, absolutely surreal this is happening. This is quite literally a dream come true.

  22. gooey goo says:

    I can’t believe it’s actually real, looking forward to the brand new world of goo! Only thing that would make this announcement even better is if the moon chapter comes to fruition…

  23. World of Goo fan says:

    These are the happiest news in my life.
    I’ve been waiting for 15 years.

    World of Goo shaped me in such a way I can’t describe.
    I can’t believe a sequel is coming. Thank you so so much.

  24. Po0PY BLOX the meme making journalist says:

    i wonder what the world look like 15 years later

  25. I can’t believe it! I’m really excited like I haven’t been for a longer time for an Indie game. The first one was one of my first downloadable games on WiiWare and brought me to the Indie scene when all of this hype around smaller projects in the game industry started. World of Goo was the reason I understood immediately what all the fuzz is about. I listened to the soundtrack since then until today and love every memory about it. I can’t await to return to this beautiful world after all this years with new content. Much love for everyone involved. ❤️ Greetings from Germany.

  26. Nicolas says:

    What a surprise!! World of Goo has been a long-time favourite, and it is the one videogame that actually got me into videogames (I had simply no idea there were “indie games” before, that new word unlocked a new world for me of what is now one of my favourite medium). Looking forward to play this, thanks for your work!

  27. Josh says:

    I stopped breathing when I saw the trailer in the game awards. It was the last thing I was expecting, but I’m so glad it exists!
    I am unbelievably hyped for this!!

  28. ferodich says:

    Absolutely amazing! Omg

  29. Zhenya says:

    My heart almost jumped out We’ve been waiting for this for so many years And yet we waited I don’t even know what to say, I’m just shocked It’s like a dream that came true after so many years, thank you You made my dream come true

    • 14o8k says:


  30. Strahinium says:

    This is a Christmas Miracle!
    I woke up to these wonderful news, I couldn’t have jumped out of bed more happy!
    I grew up with the original World of Goo, and it left a big impact on my puzzle solving skills!
    Genuinely cannot wait for the release of this!

  31. Maxandkon says:

    I fell out of bed when I saw the news in the morning

    I can’t believe that the game that formed my childhood is getting a sequel!

  32. Jabbar says:

    holy smokes!! the goo is back in tow n!!!!!!!

  33. polykuma says:

    It’s SO fascinating to hear about world of goo 2! But I wonder if there will be the game ‘welcome to the information superhighway’ anymore, because I’m waiting for years, its spirit is even cooler today, considering alphaGo and GPT or something. Or its spirit will be intergrated into wog2? Not offense, I’m still too excited to get asleep hearing about wog2!

  34. purrsum says:

    how do you leave a reply???

  35. Dextronium says:

    ala vrg nuevo juego de wog

  36. citrons says:

    I’ve been waiting for this most of my life, quite literally.

  37. Braxton says:

    I wonder what shady corporation I’ll have to do business with this time

  38. TuyuanLluH says:

    Can’t believe the best game I’ve ever played is going to have a sequel now, there truly are miracles

  39. v1993 says:

    This was so unexpected I originally completely skimmed past the announcement video, the back of my mind dismissing this as some sort of a practical joke. Took me a separate check to realize it was completely official and it’s not even close to April the 1st. Nice to have at least something goo-d come out of TGA.

    All I can hope for is *official* modding support this time around – and maybe, just maybe, longer main campaign. I have the original on basically every platform it’s available on that I own as a “hello world” of sorts (and yes, I’ve played every version to completion – getting all OCD flags is too much for me, though) – it holds up amazingly well.

    But also – I’m still waiting for the Information Superhighway, whatever it may be!

    – v1993, eager to reunite with the Sign Painter

  40. Ra says:

    That’s really good and I will play it:)

  41. Burkle says:

    World of Goo is my favorite game of all time and one of the first I ever played. Thank you so much for making a sequel!

    I can’t wait to hear the music! WoG’s soundtrack is the best!!!

  42. punchi says:

    que genial!!! esperándolo con ansias! 😀

  43. Tea says:

    Time to listen to Red Carpet Extend-o-matic for the next two weeks at least.

    • v1993 says:

      I really hope Jessica found happiness with her astrophysics carrier, marriage, and chainsaw.

      • World of Goo fan says:

        This is so niche yet I know exactly what you’re talking about.

        I hope Jessica did find happiness as well.

  44. Fancy2209 says:

    We need to know more, don’t leave us hanging!

  45. Max Kasprzak says:

    I can’t believe that my favorite game is getting a sequel!

    Thank you Tomorrow Corp & 2D Boy for bringing back my childhood game.

    Can’t wait for it! See y’all and The Sign Painter soon!

  46. Happy Man 0917e says:

    What a wonderful surprise!!

  47. Volcanojungle says:

    I have been waiting for it for sooo long! can’t wait to listen to the soundtrack, play the game and enjoy it all my life like i did with the first one!

  48. Marmu says:

    You said to contact you if one want to be a translator, but offered no contact information bruh. So, how can I help with translation? Be free to send an email.

  49. MewGalorez says:

    Thank god my parents made the right call of 2000s games when I was a lil’ kid, poggers andy

  50. ferodich says:

    What happened to Welcome to the Information Superhighway? Is this WoG 2? Or was the game cancelled?

  51. Hdjejd says:

    Let’s go!

    Say hi to the Sign Painter (or do they want to be called the Telescope Operator?) for me!

  52. Lazar says:

    World of Good is my childhood and has aged like a fine wine, looking forward to yet another expression of y’all creative vision!

  53. Seb says:

    AMAZING news! much love, hope “Welcome to the Information Superhighway” is still coming some time later!

  54. MRAWESOME4247 says:

    The smog is clearing….
    What’s that…over there…..
    It’s a sign….it says….
    Wait…it can’t be…..world of goo…
    A sequel!?!?….how…interesting…
    What is on the other side?….
    We’ll have to find out….
    Are you coming?….
    See you there….

    —Your old friend, The Sign Painter

    (This announcement legit made me cry, i hope to meet the sign painter once again and find out where those new pipes lead or what ever Kyle, kyle, and Alan have for us this time
    —Your friend, Mrawesome4247)

    • Starwalker says:

      I popped off when this got announced and I was grinning ear to ear all throughout the trailer. 15 years in the making.
      Not to mention the game just looks great. The artstyle hasn’t changed and yet still looks fresh. The new mechanics make me anxious to try the game. I’m so excited!

  55. Dillon Wallace says:

    I have a cool theory
    The man robot at the end of 7 Billion Humans was either looking at the information superhighway, or something World of Goo Two related. Plus the way he said “It’s so big” kind of gave me “Let’s Go Shopping!” Vibes, by which I’m referring to the cutscene after you unlock the world of goo corporation.

    Anyway I’ve been obsessed with the originall
    WOG since I was 7 and played it on those little preloaded kids computers at some libraries.
    Since then, I have beaten it twice on Nintendo Switch and am working on an ocd run on pc.
    When they announced WOG2 at the game awards, I literally screamed I was so excited.
    That was the most exciting announcement as far as I am concerned.

    I’m posting this here bc it’s my only way of hoping that the original developers see it, and if you are seeing this tomorrow corp, Thank you! You have gotten me through so much darkness, and I love all of your games!

    TLDR 7 Billion Humans is connected to WOG2 or connected to Welcome to the Information Superhighway.

    • Braxton Jones says:

      It even seemed to tie into Little Inferno a bit at the end with the snow and the kid resembling Little Inferno’s protagonist which makes sense which their plots kind of overlap. It wouldn’t surprise me if they really are all connected somehow

  56. GRM says:

    I was so happy this exists that I finally made a review on the first game after completing it almost a decade ago! Thank you for satisfying that very specific Tomorrow Corp. itch I’ve had for the longest time. 😀

  57. F says:

    Best thing I’ve ever heard for a while. I used to play this game with my dad when I was. Can’t wait to tell him there will be a sequel. <3

  58. Mahan says:

    I remember when I was a kid I used to play this game 24/7 when it ended, I literally crying . And I’m Soo glad to see a new one is coming out…AFTER 15 FKING YEARS lol

  59. Ivy says:

    Ok but, will it be on the Wii??