How to Start a War

How to Start a War

“If you want to start a war, call me.”

He handed me his card. It was nondescript: Name, number, AOL email address, stock art of an eagle. He could have passed for a plumber, handyman, or tree remover.

Behind the Scenes: Who Is The Real Audience of The Tim Ferriss Show?

Behind the Scenes: Who Is The Real Audience of The Tim Ferriss Show?

A few years ago, a famous creator asked me if I’d ever learned anything from my audience, as he hadn’t. My response? “Oh, God, yes! More than I can possibly begin to explain.” That’s the whole reason I have comments on this blog, plus clear rules. If you cultivate the right community, the learnings are …

How to Show up for Someone in a Crisis: 10 Recommendations

How to Show up for Someone in a Crisis: 10 Recommendations

7. Refrain from silver linings. These are sentences that start with “At least…” or “Luckily….” The only thing worse than having a hard thing happen to you is having people try to force you to see the positive before you’re ready. Better options include “This is so hard.” “Tell me how you’re feeling, if you feel like it.” Or, best of all, just make kindly I’m-listening noises while they talk to encourage them to keep going.