The Tim Ferriss Show: Interview of Kevin Kelly, Co-Founder of WIRED, Polymath, Most Interesting Man In The World? (#25, #26 & #27)


This single interview—one of my favorites of all-time—was recorded in three short parts.  You can:

Ep 25: Kevin Kelly - WIRED Co-Founder, Polymath, Most Interesting Man In The World
Ep 26: Kevin Kelly (Part 2) - WIRED Co-Founder, Polymath, Most Interesting Man In The World?
Ep 27: Kevin Kelly (Part 3) - WIRED Co-Founder, Polymath, Most Interesting Man In The World?

This podcast is brought to you by The Tim Ferriss Book Club, which features a handful of books that have changed my life. Here’s the list.  You can also find all 20+ episodes of this podcast here. Some are sober and some are drunk, but the guests are all great.

Now, on to this episode’s guest…

Kevin Kelly might be the real-life Most Interesting Man In The World.

He is Senior Maverick at Wired magazine, which he co-founded in 1993. He also co-founded the All Species Foundation, a non-profit aimed at cataloging and identifying every living species on earth. In his spare time, he writes bestselling books, co-founded the Rosetta Project, which is building an archive of ALL documented human languages, and serves on the board of the Long Now Foundation. As part of the last, he’s investigating how to revive and restore endangered or extinct species, including the Wooly Mammoth.

This episode touches on a lot of cool stuff.  SERIOUSLY, A LOT.

Just scroll below and your head might explode.  Tons of amazing links and goodies…


Who should I interview next?  Please let me know in the comments by clicking here.

Do you enjoy the podcast? Please leave a short review here.

Subscribe to The Tim Ferriss Show on Apple Podcasts.

Show Notes and Select Links from the Episode

  • Kevin Kelly’s biggest regret
  • His lesson in finding contentment in minimalism and “volunteer simplicity”
  • How he realized that writing actually creates ideas
  • Why he promised himself that he would never resort to teaching English while traveling abroad
  • The “creator’s dilemma,” or how you have to go lower to get higher
  • Why you don’t want to be a billionaire
  • His realizations after doing a “6 months until death” challenge
  • His Kickstarter-funded project linking angels and robots
  • Why a self-proclaimed ex-hippie waited until his 50th birthday to try LSD for the first time
  • Why a population implosion is probable in the next 100 years
  • The greatest gift you can give to your child
  • The criteria for Amish technology assimilation
  • What technology-free sabbaticals can do for you
  • Long Now Foundation’s vision of a better civilization
  • The graphic novel for young people on how to become indispensable
  • His favorite fiction book
  • The great resource Kevin compiled for documentary lovers
  • How he accumulated enough books to fill a two-story library
  • Mythbuster’s Adam Savage’s organizational method, which transformed Kevin’s life
  • The project that everyone should undertake at least once in life
  • The advice he would give to his younger self


Books Mentioned in the Episode

Documentaries Mentioned in the Episode

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it's been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.


Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration.)

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9 years ago

Awesome interview, Tim! It seems like all the jitters from the first few interviews are gone and you’re having real conversations. Congrats on a great podcast.

Jeremiah Onwubuya
Jeremiah Onwubuya
9 years ago

Hey Tim nice work, I subscribed because i love the podcasts the books and the blog. I was wondering if you have any remaining audio books of “How I beat the Ivy League” that you are selling because i am a senior in high school applying to colleges and i want to replicate your success story of beating the odds and slipping into Princeton undetected.

Thanks in advance man your the best

9 years ago

Tim, remember the post on frequent travel checkout its ‘luggage-free travel to frequent fliers’

Melvin Roest
Melvin Roest
9 years ago

Question: I’d like to do the 6 months until I die experiment as well. But for some reason I can’t seem to imagine enough that I’m going to die in six months. How do I go about that?

I happen to have a vivid imagination, but when it comes to this topic, it doesn’t feel urgent enough. It still feels like I can back out. But if it would be real, I couldn’t back out. So how do I diminish that feeling in order to really simulate this feeling I’m going to die in 6 months?

Alexander Newman
Alexander Newman
9 years ago

Awesome Episode. It keeps getting better and better. Love the “6-month Experiment”

By the way Tim, if you ever come to Ohio, I know some Amish people. I can connect them with you.

9 years ago

Tim- You keep mentioning journaling in these podcasts and it sound like a very useful tool. Where can I find out more about it?


Jake S.
Jake S.
9 years ago

Love love love the podcasts. It seems like I’m always learning something new, and your final 3-4 questions for each guest? Perfect.

Potential future people to interview? I’d think it’d be interesting to have Julien Smith (CEO of Breather) on the podcast.

Keep up the great work!

9 years ago

Anyone can let me know where exactly in the interview do I find these parts:

1) His realizations after doing a “6 months until death” challenge

2) Why a self-proclaimed ex-hippie waited until his 50th birthday to try LSD for the first time

Meanwhile – Tim, do you think it’d be possible for you to attach timestamps in podcasts’ descriptions as for easier reference? The reason I’m asking is that I want to keep up with lots of stuff, your podcasts, Dave Asprey’s ones and it’s neither physically possible nor efficient not being picky.



Chris Gallo (@cjgallo)
Chris Gallo (@cjgallo)
9 years ago
Reply to  Szymon

Hey Szymon,

1) Around the 10 minute mark of part 2 you can find realizations about the 6 months until death challenge. There’s more talk about it at the very end of part 1 too.

2 ) At the 4 minute mark of part 2 you can find the LSD talk.

I transcribed bits and pieces of all 3 parts here – It doesn’t have timestamps, that’s a great idea though.

Hope you find it useful.


9 years ago

Henry Rollins.

9 years ago

With Kevin’s discussion about workshop organization I found a video on youtube about Casey Neistat’s Wild Studio. CRAZY functional design. Quite the rabbit hole to go down. Gained a slew of ideas for how to create one look organization.

Kevin Kelly is a fascinating guy with very little pretense. Enjoyed a ton.

9 years ago
Reply to  Jscott

Meant to say…

An Interview with Casey Neistat, a high school dropout who has self-taught his way into a fantastic filmaking career, would be a must listen.

David J. Bradley
David J. Bradley
9 years ago

Awesome interview. KK is great.

Tim & Team, the link to suggest a guest is broken!


9 years ago

For upcoming guests can I suggest Lt. Col Dave Grossman. He wrote “On Killing” and “On Combat” and is utterly fascinating. He was just on The Art of Manliness podcast but I’m guessing you can get a lot more out of him especially regarding the research he’s done which has led to some fascinating conclusions about what happens to us during stress and combat.

Brian Suddeth
Brian Suddeth
9 years ago

You asked for new people to interview. Try James “The Amazing” Randi. Full name is Randall James Hamilton Zwinge. An old acquaintance and a remarkable man.

9 years ago
Reply to  Brian Suddeth

Great Idea!

Rome Za
Rome Za
9 years ago


Id like to say Thank you! I am very grateful for your inspiration that has helped me get to an awesome place in my life.

We spoke about 9 months ago at Marcelo Garcias academy in NYC and I asked you what you do in order to stay energized, focused and able to take on all these awesome projects. You told me you meditate 2x daily and take a nap everyday. I implemented those 2 things into my routine and my productivity skyrocketed.

I have launched 2 new ventures since then and 1 is already automated at a really comfortable income and steadily growing! On my 4th listen of 4HWW right now as Im writing this blog comment.

Thank you so much for inspiring me to keep reaching for greatness!


Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
9 years ago
Reply to  Rome Za

Nice to hear from you, Rome! If I’ve helped in any small way, I’m honored. Keep on killing it, and hope to see you back on the mats. I need to up my game to head back to Marcelo’s place 🙂

Pura vida,


9 years ago

Awesome podcast. Tim, the people you bring do really expand my horizons. Gracias from BA! When are you coming to zip mate with us? Please let us know.

9 years ago
Reply to  Ariel

I meant seep…

9 years ago

Interview Kelly Slater on health

9 years ago

Great podcast. Part 3 is where I stepped in. True Films!

9 years ago

Great one Tim! Please interview nobel prize Kary Mullis, if you love Feynman, you’ll love Mullis 😉

Alaa Mulhtar
Alaa Mulhtar
9 years ago

The “who should i interview” link isn’t working gut you should definitely interview Glen Levy, master of ninjutsu.

9 years ago

A few guests I would love to hear in your podcast:

– Rolf Potts

– Brian MacKenzie

– Cristmas Abbott

– Paul Ekman

– Dave Grossman

9 years ago

Great interview, Tim. I particularly appreciate the way you (and Kevin) remain nonjudgmental about people and ideas that are often ridiculed on social media and in the media in general – e.g. The Amish and Christian ideas. It’s all too easy to blindly label people – Christian, hippie, atheist and so on, and pull down the shutters just because they don’t think the way we do. And while we are on the subject of good books, you’ve probably read the book “The Necessity of Strangers”, by Alan Gregor. This book really emphasises the importance of listening to people who think differently.

Chelsea O'Brien
Chelsea O'Brien
9 years ago
Reply to  marcustanthony

I concur, Marcustanthony.

Tim, listening to your podcast, like your books, often profoundly influences my thoughts for weeks or months afterward. This interview especially was one of my favorites. Timely right as I approach my birthday, the 6-month experiment was a great take-away I’m putting to heart.

I wish I knew how to connect you to someone that has a Panart hang…I do have a friend near San Fran that has a halo after being on the waiting list for 3 years. Happy to connect you to him if you don’t know him already.

Jason palmer
Jason palmer
9 years ago

Thanks for providing real value to make the world a better place.

9 years ago

Hi Tim,

Probably the best podcast episode since the beginning !

I listen to you 3 times a week when I go running.

Your books / talks are my number one source of inspiration. Keep doing it, I’m addict 😉

Thanks man !

9 years ago
Reply to  giviz

– ditto –

the best one yet …

9 years ago

Future Guest Requests:

– Ray Kurzweil

– Nassim Taleb

9 years ago

You Sir are a great internet content creator. This podcast is an awesome source of knowledge and has an impact on my vision of things and the world. Thanks for doing this.

Guest suggestions: Tucker Max or Joe Rogan

I don’t seem to be annoyed by discussions that are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. It makes them less self-conscious and deeper in a sense.

9 years ago

It would be good to hear from the other people who were at the Seth Roberts memorial (Nassim Taleb, Tuvker Max, etc.).

You should also consider talking to Tucker outside of the podcast, since he set up a distribution deal with one of the big publishers, just like you’re trying to do.

9 years ago

I enjoyed the interview. Thanks a million. 🙂

9 years ago

Damn, the man is awesome!

Great interview Tim, your really cutting to the chase in the latest podcasts with unique questions and just about the right balance of input.

Thank you for bringing Kevin’s great insights and experiences to my ears. He is remarkable.

9 years ago

Kevin and Tim click well together causing this listener to get delightfully “hooked” on their free flowing river cruise of conversation through topics, concepts, and sidebars I believe I will not hear anywhere else. I particularly like the respect they accord to each other ensuring a receptive environment for engagement and follow-up. This is written after only two podcasts with Kevin. Way to go Tim. As you become a world class listener, I am inspired to be a notch better listener too. Stephen Q Shannon Delray Beach FL aka Village By The Sea

9 years ago

Anybody want to talk about eugenics? Is it in full acceptance of a system that passes privilege by bloodline that this guy limits himself to suggesting that the priviledged reproduce? I think it’s horrifying if this has gone unnoticed.

9 years ago

Re: the backwards-counting clock: there’s a sketch in the British Comedy series “The Armando Iannucci Show” in which a man is told by his doctor that he only has 33 years to live, and so quits his job and dedicates his life to only doing things he wants to do. The 4HWW in a nutshell…

Coach Kip
Coach Kip
9 years ago

Great show as always, however I would have liked this series to be released either as on long episode, or have all three released at the same time. I know it is my personal preference but I also know you enjoy the feedback.

And by the way, Kevin Kelly is interesting, but you Tim Ferriss are the Most Interesting Man in the World.

9 years ago

Awesome interview! Kevin Kelly is the man. Would love to hear Paul Graham on a future podcast.

9 years ago

I wonder if Scott Adams would be a good person to interview about hacking learning. He is trying to do a four-year MIT computer programming degree in one year. Plus he goes to Asia to learn the languages (plural) there.

Plus he has a blog

9 years ago

Loved every podcast so far. Thanks, Tim.

As far as recommending guests:

Nassim Taleb

Tom Bissell

Carl Paoli

Joe Rogan

Jan Chipchase

Grant Morrison

Colin Wright

Matthew Trinetti

9 years ago

Thanks for a great podcast as always. I got a bit curious however that you still have not interviewed a single woman. I was wondering about the reasons for this. Is it that there really are no women around that are interesting enough or willing to be interviewed (which would be kind of sad..) or is there some other reason? Would be interesting to hear your thoughts on this.

Thanks Petra

9 years ago
Reply to  Petra

Episode 12: Rhonda Patrick

Joanna Penn
Joanna Penn
9 years ago

I do also agree that it is very male dominated although I loved Rhonda Patrick. I’d love to hear from some female entrepreneurs you must know in the Valley, Tim. I’d love to hear from Susan Cain, who wrote Quiet; Sara Blakely of Spanx fame and JK Rowling (go on, you know you want to try!)

Lou Vascek
Lou Vascek
9 years ago

The Kevin Kelly interview was simply fantastic in about a dozen ways.

I have forwarded the email announcing it to 10 people already, with a recommendation that they give it a listen.

Loved it, thanks. Keep up the good work.

Lou Vascek

Littleton, Colorado USA

Joanna Penn
Joanna Penn
9 years ago

This was a great show, Tim. I’m loving the podcast interviews – you have access to some amazing people and I am truly appreciative. Your show has knocked out several others in my limited audio queue.

Thanks also for your honesty in sharing about your search for meaning and the next step. Your openness and vulnerability brings a whole new side to the superhuman being we have been used to in your books. I would personally love you to do a book on neuroscience and the spiritual drug stuff you’ve been experimenting with – that’s fascinating and has a whole lotta meaning in there too. Please keep writing!

I thought Kevin’s take on kids was interesting too – my husband and I have chosen not to have kids, for many reasons – and it’s a parallel life to our friends with kids. I totally agree with the shrinking population hypothesis, and it’s about education of women. As soon as you educate women, they have fewer children. And thankfully, more and more women are being educated around the world.

Thanks again to you both for a great show.

Viyan Bedawi
Viyan Bedawi
9 years ago

This podcast made it to my gratitude list. It is gold.

Who you should interview next?

Nev Schulman

Hugh Jackman

Or another Hollywood celebrity than Jackman but I heard you like him ;). Why? I have been pondering how award-winning actors and actresses are shaped by the total immersion in being famous. They get access to and are forced to work with experts on mental and physical levels in preparation for movies or to manage the hustle and bustle that comes with being a celebrity. It enables some of them to seemingly become the best version of themselves. I would love for you to look into this process!

Keep going. You are doing amazingly great, Tim. 🙂

Love, Viyan

9 years ago
Reply to  Viyan Bedawi

eventually Hugh!

Connor Knutson
Connor Knutson
9 years ago

Tim/quasi-Tim/common people, are there written transcripts for the podcast episodes?

Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
9 years ago
Reply to  Connor Knutson

Just uploaded and added to the post! Sorry for the delay, guys. Slipped my mind.

9 years ago

Hey Tim. Just want to say, you are definitely my idol. I look up to you in regards of so much. But besides that, I wanted to know if you could, maybe you could do a talk with Mike Dolce. I know he’s read your books and likes them too, he even mentions to his listeners once to get a copy for a good read. He’s a personal trainer for a lot of UFC fighters and others. Also, I was looking for a specific note in this Kevin Kelly podcast and clearly see it in the notes. just hard to find an exact time where to find it. I’m sure it’s more work for you and inconvenient but I’d be nice to see a time hack on each bullet or an actual answer to the note. But that’s just me being spoiled.

9 years ago

Hey Tim,

There is this big buzz going on about baobub fruit as a superfruit, and I just wanted to confide in you should I add this to my diet (i.e. cheat days)?


I am glad there is so much great content on your site!

Cameron Plommer
Cameron Plommer
9 years ago

This, damn it! I never did this, but have been feeling that I need to do this for a long time.

“I just really recommend slack. I’m a big believer in this thing of kind of doing something that’s not productive. Productive is for your middle ages. When you’re young, you want to be prolific and make and do things, but you don’t want to measure them in terms of productivity. You want to measure them in terms of extreme performance, you want to measure them in extreme satisfaction.”

9 years ago

Kia Ora Tim!

Awesome podcast once again, so good to get to know Kevin Kelly via you – keep it up!

Quick note: I would LOVE to see you experiment with Valproate and Perfect Pitch as you mention in the podcast, and find out the results.

It seems like music is just about the only thing you can’t do… (bar the fantastic drum performance you gave onstage in TFX!) But definitely hit up the panart hang – you can’t go wrong with pentatonics and you’ll love it!

Great work bro… Let me know!

– Paul

Benedict Westenra
Benedict Westenra
9 years ago

Fascinating podcast, although KK undermines things a little at the end when he says that “Columbus invented America”! I believe some other people got there first…

9 years ago

Other possible guests:

Authors Chip and Dan Heath of “Switch”, “Made to Stick”, and “Decisive”.

9 years ago

Tim, Could you please interview Dr. Sam Parnia? He’s an expert on emerging technologies in helping people resuscitate after death. This inadvertently leads to lots of NDE stories, which he’s careful not to make definitive statements on either way.

9 years ago

Is Kevin Kelly one of those amish mafia types?

Björn Blomgren
Björn Blomgren
9 years ago

Great show Tim, I really enjoy every episode!

Here are some guests that would be cool to hear:

– Nassim Nicholas Taleb

– Noah Kagan

– Rolf Potts

– Robert Greene

– Ramit Sethi

– AJ Jacobs

– Richard Koch (Would love to hear you guys discuss the 80/20-principle in depth).

Best Regards,

Björn Blomgren

Ethan X
Ethan X
9 years ago

Noah Kegan is legit. I’d recommend Pat Flynn as well.

Finn Thalamus
Finn Thalamus
9 years ago

Awesome podcast (both this episode and in general), keep ’em coming! There’s a wee mistake in the book list above. The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide is written by James Fadiman, not Kevin Kelly. It’s a great resource. Also on that note, I hope you’ll elaborate on your recent experiences with plant medicines in a podcast or blog post if that’s something you feel comfortable doing.

9 years ago
Reply to  Finn Thalamus

Thank you for the catch, Finn. It’s been corrected.

9 years ago

great interview, Tim!

as for the next person… what about Grant Cordon, the author of “The 10x Rule” bestseller? 🙂

Bob S.
Bob S.
9 years ago

You have mentioned before that you are very interested in revolutionizing education, so I think a fantastic guest would Doug Lemov from Uncommon Schools. His ideas on education are groundbreaking and his schools are performing incredibly well.

Jason Randell
Jason Randell
9 years ago


Jason Randell m:|| 512-587-9905 e :||


Bike Theft Toronto
Bike Theft Toronto
9 years ago

My favorite podcast yet. Kevin Kelly is such an insightful human being and him and Tim have a great rapport and banter with each other. The whole conversation from the value of wandering and living simply to why you don’t need a billion dollars to the Long Now foundation and the Amish…is refreshing.

I’ve listened to Parts 1 and 2 twice already and now I discover there’s a part 3!

Get it. Listen to it.

Keith James
Keith James
9 years ago

Really great series of interviews. Kevin Kelly may actually be the most interesting man in the world.

Very few people get to live the life they choose. I guess we all could but it takes a good bit of courage.

9 years ago

Hey Tim, I just realized that this post comes with a transcript of the interview. Many thanks. Reading for me is easier, much faster and way more effective than listening. Besides, after a long day at work, I prefer the sound of quiet. Anything else is annoying. So, this is really great.

I know getting an interview transcript prepared is time-consuming and not the most pleasant of tasks. And it costs you money. Much appreciate your spending the money to get this done.

Anzhela Shurina
Anzhela Shurina
9 years ago

Thank you for amazing podcast Tim! Since I read Austin Kleon’s books (Steal like and Artist and Show your work, best books on creativity in my opinion) I’ve been looking for people to fill in “my genealogy tree”, my tribe, my true ancestry, people I feel inspired by and feel connected to and your blog has been a great resource for that! Every time I listen to another podcast, it’s like listening to a kindred soul! Thank you so much Tim! Don’t stop what you do!

Zach Strange
Zach Strange
9 years ago

I only listened to the first audio file but I was impressed. I love the idea of being minimilistic. From a Christian perspective, the idea of whittling away all of our earthly possessions in order to build up Christ is an underlying foundation of Christianity. From a life perspective, it can simply be very freeing to not be a slave to our things or our jobs.

9 years ago

Excellent interview, Tim – Kevin is the man! I look forward to these types of interviews and really appreciate what you do.

9 years ago

Oh, Tim! what about Andy Puddicombe, the creator of Headspace, for an interview? I found out about this cool App due to you and now totally love it! It would be so interesting to find out more about Andy’s life

Cheers and greetings from Zurich,


9 years ago

Incredible podcast Tim; that last part with the rapid fire questions was awesome. You are a great interviewer! Very excited to start reading Shantaram! Also, a brief note on North Korea – if you’re interested in a first person account of the situation there, check out “Escape from Camp 14”

Thank you.

James Thornton
James Thornton
9 years ago

Great podcast! Glad you’re doing them, this interview is a great example of why. Good questions with interesting answers in this one. Thanks!

30 Something Dude
30 Something Dude
9 years ago

One of the best interviews ever. You certainly lived up to your promise of finding interesting people that don’t normally do the podcast interview carousel. Keep up the good work

9 years ago

Sorry about thread hijacking, but I’ve been disappointed with the forums I’ve found to discuss all things Ferriss (besides the comments here). I recently realised Reddit has a Tim subforum. I hope we can get some discussions started there. I’ve posted about morning rituals there, if anyone’s interested

Jeff Hicks
Jeff Hicks
9 years ago

Is anyone else puzzling over “That to be fully human we have to have a future” ? On the face of it, this statement does not fit with this bend in the path on my spiritual journey of non-duality and the only time that exists is now. Has anyone explored this further and care to share?

Aidan S
Aidan S
9 years ago

[Pre-Hab chapter of 4 hour body]

I have 2 questions about the 4 hour body pre hab section that I can’t seem to get answered anywhere. If Tim or someone else could clarify I would be really grateful.

1. Do I do all 4 exercises each session? The guide at the top says it should take 30-45 minutes each session but doing the number of sets for all 4 exercises would take considerably more than that.

2. It says to use a ratio of 2:5 sets for strong to weak sides but the c&l has quadrants, should I be doing 2 sets for each strong quadrant and five for the weak one?

Lewis Howes
Lewis Howes
9 years ago

Episode 3 was EPIC! loved how Kevin said we should all learn how to build our own home, but then said we should hire people who are better than us to create for us as well 😉 I may have to hire someone to build my dream home and learn how to build with that person. Thanks for all the useful recommendations and for sharing Kevin!

9 years ago

I enjoyed these episodes, but I was confused by the population discussion. What was he talking about when he said the population gets smaller every year?? It’s pretty common knowledge that world population increases every year. Did he misspeak and mean to say that population GROWTH gets slower every year?

9 years ago

Dear Tim, I really enjoyed the three part series with Kevin Kelly. You made a passing mention of being interested in indigenous medicine and spiritual practices. One thing I thought you might be interested in as a part of a spiritual journey is the practice of fasting in the wilderness.

These people

are extremely experienced guides who take people out into the Australian desert for up to nine days, including 5 days fasting on your own. It has been for many people a life changing experience. I attended a fast 2 years ago and it launched me on the path I am on now.

Closer to your home are these people

Who I do not know personally but they are the ones who trained my friends.

Additionally, I would highly recommend that you investigate Australian Bush Medicine. This encompasses 40 thousand years of collected experience, a tiny amount of which has been appropriated by white culture, IE: Tea tree oil. I do know someone who has a fair amount of knowledge in this area in Western Australia, But I would not put his contact details up on a public forum. Feel free to get contact me if you are interested.

Just to be clear I have no financial interest in any of these ventures.



9 years ago

I thoroughly enjoyed all three parts and found it fascinating but now I’m faced with a dilemma that I don’t know the answer to.

My son just started his senior year in high school and he’s never been much of a student. Some things are mildly interesting to him but the only thing he truly enjoys is playing basketball. While some kids know what they want to do, he really doesn’t have any fixed ideas on what his future might look like.

I’m O-K with that–I was 22 when I started college.

So, do I encourage him to start college and explore–or do I encourage him to go travel the world like Kevin Kelly did and become self-sufficient? My thought is that if he does go the college route, that he only takes classes he might have an interest in rather than the “required” classes.

Karthik Swaminathan
Karthik Swaminathan
9 years ago

I thoroughly enjoyed Kevin’s wisdom. As young college graduate I could relate and learn so much from the book recommended by Kevin – The adventures of Johnny Bunko.

Question : How do you improve your conversations? Do you improve it by writing or just by learning to ask better questions?

Navid Baharlooie
Navid Baharlooie
9 years ago

Thanks Tim, and Kelly, for an enriching interview. The 6 month experiment is fascinating. If anyone is interested in a philosophical explanation of why “future-forward-facing” is critical to being human, I can recommend Martin Heidegger’s Being and Time. It’s difficult reading but very rewarding.

Mathieu Groulx
Mathieu Groulx
9 years ago


Fantastic podcast, as is most of your work in my opinion!

I’m one of the few people who blinked when you mentioned hang drum.

My instrument is the drums but the sound of the hang…just sounds like heaven would sound if it has a sound! You know Manu Delago? Amazing player.

It seems like getting your hands on a PANArt hang is hard. From the little I know they stopped production because of abuse of the term Hang. I’m hoping to see some companies make decent duplicates that are as good as the original Swiss masterpieces. I heard there is one in Indonesia and one is starting here in Montreal.

Good luck with that and thank you for all your work. It’s a great source of inspiration in my different avenues.

9 years ago

Tim, I heard you mention “Snow Crash,” which is one of my favorites. Have you checked out “Ready Player One” by Ernest Cline published in 2011? To me it is similar in its creative futuristic vision and humor. Also Cline is a Vonnegut fan.

9 years ago

Hey Tim.

I love the questions on book suggestions and documentaries that you ask all your guests.

One further question that I think would add even more value to the book suggestion question is to ask your guests HOW they read.

What I mean by this is:

– Do they take notes while they read?

– Do they prefer physical books or electronic books?

– Do they highlight passages while they read etc.

Any other questions you can ask them on how they consume books and generate their own knowledge would be pure gold.

Keep up the great work, loving the podcasts.

9 years ago

Hey Tim,

absolutely love the podcast!

Every single episode has it´s gems, every guest is a really interesting person, and i totally like your style of “moderating” the sessions. Perfect.

Please keep doing these, and please keep adding new books to the book club, been reading all of those already!

9 years ago

Great Podcast but there is one contradiction I did not understand. On the one hand Kevin said that only the affluent should have children because they can provide their kids with the best opportunities. On the other hand he said that it takes very little wealth to be content. Is he suggesting that the latter statement only applies when one is single but upon having a family a great deal more wealth is necessary?

9 years ago

Tim, this is so great. Today I marathoned Tony Robbins and Kevin Kelly. Thank you so much for giving me access to such wisdom. I feel truly inspired. Hope all is well!

9 years ago

Kevin Kelly’s book recommendation So Good They Can’t Ignore You changed my view on the phrase “follow your passion.” One of the top books I’ve read this year thank you for interviewing him Tim!

9 years ago

interesting story on sacramental lsd-

Rebecca Rachmany
Rebecca Rachmany
9 years ago

Who should you interview? Someone female. That would be cool. Your interviews are terrific, and I enjoy them but I’ve started to wonder if you know any women.

Brian Melton
Brian Melton
9 years ago

Carlos Castaneda – the teachings of Don Juan.

In this series of episodes you inquire about plant based drugs. This book features of a wealth of experience knowledge on this subject. It would be a quick read for you and I feel you would find many gems.


Bert Carrier
Bert Carrier
9 years ago

Great show, Tim. I’m really thankful that you’re doing this. Your podcast has been pulling me out of a huge funk/ rut that I’ve been in for some time now. I’m also re-reading the 4HWW, and just ordered 4HB and several other books mentioned in the first shows. My favorite parts of the show are the detailed show notes that link to the ideas and people mentioned in the show. Great work, please keep the episodes coming!

Bert Carrier
Bert Carrier
9 years ago

Kevin Kelly is the first person I’ve heard who speaks accurately and intelligently about the Amish community. I grew up in Northern Michigan and the Amish have recently built many communities in that area. I’ve come to know several Amish families and KK’s observations are spot-on.

I’d like to add one idea to the conversation though. KK’s points about the positive aspects of the Amish lifestyle are accurate and well-taken, but what about some of the negatives? For example, Amish life is one thing if you are a grown man who has some influence and input into the community. But if you are a young girl, it is a little different. In my observation, young girls and young women are little more than an unpaid domestic workforce, with little voice or say-so in the larger community. I always wonder just how voluntary their participation is in the lifestyle.

Some families who build successful businesses in the community and have ideas that may potentially challenge church leadership are often required to leave the community and start a new one somewhere else. Sometimes they are required to join other Amish in different areas against their will. This also has the faint odor of coercion.

I’ve seen firsthand many of the positive aspects that KK accurately describes in the interview, but I’d like to hear the podcast listeners’ opinion on some of the negatives. Thanks for the great show Tim!

Roxane J.
Roxane J.
8 years ago

Really nice interview. So much useful information and food for thoughts in one conversation! First time I am your site.. but definitely not the last! Subscribed!

8 years ago

People I’d like you to interview:

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

Tiger Woods

Rich Froning

Elon Musk

8 years ago

In Ep 25 at around 18 min mark, you speak about what to quit. I just finished reading Seth Godin’s book on the subject. Its called “the dip”. Its concise and useful. Highly recommended.

Anonymous this time
Anonymous this time
8 years ago
Bob Olmstead
Bob Olmstead
8 years ago

DUDE! Crap. WOW – minimalism. Gracias and cheers, very timely.

8 years ago

Awesome job Tim, I love checking these podcasts when I get a chance. Keep up the good work!

Rodolfo Fanti
Rodolfo Fanti
8 years ago

Hi Tim,

you mention the importance of figuring out our own path.

I’d like to suggest a brilliant author which literally changed my life in that sense. Her name is Barbara Sher and the book which transformed me is “I could do anything if I only knew what it was”

8 years ago

This was good good good. I had a thought though. Kevin goes wide in his life quest. But listening to your existential questions I wondered if being more clear on a bottom line to life is more satisfying than cramming in experiences, innovations and knowledge. So whether you do one thing or 100 you ensure that bottom line is met

7 years ago

Great podcast

6 years ago

I started from the beginning. This is one of my favorite podcasts thus far by Tim Ferriss! The book “So Good They Can’t Ignore You” spoke volumes to my current place in life/career. I feel like I can really connect with this book and how I have struggle to find my passion. Thanks Tim & Kevin!!!

Tony Skowlund
Tony Skowlund
1 year ago

Hi Tim, would be interested in your interviewing Aaron Rodgers especially in light of his recent revelations about his experiences with ayahuasca.

1 year ago

Nice interview. Really Kevin Kelly is a genius.