Final Fantasy XIV Valentione's Day 2022 Event Guide

Last Update: February 8, 2022 8:33 PM /


Valentione's Day 2022

Love is in the air once again in Final Fantasy XIV, thanks to the ongoing Valentione's Day event. Running until February 22, Valentione's Day 2022 sees you helping a fresh postmoogle courier learn about love as they deliver gifts throughout Gridania. The only requirement to start this quest is a class or job at level 15.

Where to Start Valentiones Day 2022 - No Love Lost Quest

Valentione's Day 2022 starts in Old Gridania at X: 10.2, Y: 9.4 with the quest “No Love Lost”. After watching the initial cutscene, you’ll be tasked with following Pukty Piko to 4 different locations. The first is in Old Gridania at X: 10.8, Y: 11.9. You can choose any response for the dialogue options, as the quest will progress regardless of your choices.

The next 3 deliveries are all back in Old Gridania — the first at X: 6.6, Y: 7.9, the next nearby at X: 9, Y: 7.8, and the final delivery is by Apkalli Falls at X: 10.3, Y: 6.7.

After successfully delivering items to the 4 recipients, you must head back to Old Gridania at X: 10.2, Y: 9.4. This will complete the quest, rewarding you with a small amount of experience and unlocking the next part of the questline.

FFXIV No love lost

Valentiones Day 2022 - Love’s Labors Quest

“Love’s Labors” can be accepted straight away from the NPC Kupla Kupp, who will ask you to help out a woman with her love troubles. Aloyse is the Elezen you’re looking for, who can be found in Old Gridania at X: 8.2, Y: 10.3. You can teleport from the Min Khetto’s Amphitheatre aetheryte shard to the Conjurers’ Guild shard to save some time.

After talking to Aloyse, you’ll have to head right back to Min Khetto’s Amphitheatre (make sure to use the aetheryte shards again for a shorter trip). After listening to her troubles, you must choose how Aloyse will write a letter to her significant other. All dialogue options will progress the quests, so choose whichever you agree with.

The penultimate quest objective sends you to X: 11.8, Y: 4.9, before you head back to Min Khetto’s Amphitheatre for the final time. This will unlock the Postmoogle Barding set for your companion chocobo — each part of the set can be equipped individually.

Valentiones Day 2022 - Better Letters Repeatable Quest

ffxic better letters

At X: 10.2, Y: 9.1, Pukty Piko will give you the repeatable quest “Better Letters”. This quest has you giving advice to characters that are writing letters to their friends and loved ones. Some of them will be familiar faces, with the final request requiring you to have completed the expansion Shadowbringers. For each completion of this quest, you’ll be given 10 Prismatic Heart (Left) and 10 Prismatic Heart (Right).

Valentione's Day 2022 - Extra Items

The House Valentione Maid NPC in Old Gridania at X: 10.6, Y: 8.7 has a handful of items for sale. One of these is the Valentione Mobile, a heart-themed indoor housing item that costs 6000 gil. You can also buy extra Prismatic Heart for 8 gil each. This vendor is available regardless of your progress in the Valentione's Day 2022 event quests.

When Does Valentione's Day 2022 End?

Valentione's Day 2022 started on February 8th, 2022 and runs until Monday, February 21st at 10am EST.

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