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Hacked, leaked, exposed: Why you should never use stalkerware apps

Using stalkerware is creepy, unethical, potentially illegal, and puts your data and that of your loved ones in danger.

Hacked, leaked, exposed: Why you should never use stalkerware apps

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Bangladeshi police agents accused of selling citizens’ personal information on Telegram

Two senior police officials in Bangladesh are accused of collecting and selling citizens’ personal information to criminals on Telegram.

Bangladeshi police agents accused of selling citizens’ personal information on Telegram

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Signal’s Meredith Whittaker on the Telegram security clash and the ‘edgelords’ at OpenAI 

Among other things, Whittaker is concerned about the concentration of power in the five main social media platforms.

Signal’s Meredith Whittaker on the Telegram security clash and the ‘edgelords’ at OpenAI 

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‘Reverse’ searches: The sneaky ways that police tap tech companies for your private data

Reverse searches cast a digital dragnet over a tech company’s store of user data to catch the information that police are looking for.

‘Reverse’ searches: The sneaky ways that police tap tech companies for your private data

Earlier this week, the U.S. government announced sanctions against the founder of a controversial government spyware maker, Tal Dilian, and his business associate, Sara Aleksandra Fayssal Hamou. In announcing the…

Spyware makers express concern after US sanctions spyware veteran

The U.S. government announced Tuesday sanctions against the founder of the notorious spyware company Intellexa and one of his business partners. This is the first time the U.S. government has…

US sanctions founder of spyware maker Intellexa for targeting Americans

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Spyware startup Variston is losing staff — some say it’s closing

In July 2022, someone sent Google a batch of malicious code that could be used to hack Chrome, Firefox, and PCs running Microsoft Defender. That code was part of an exploitation framework called Heliconia. And at the time, the exploits used to target those applications were zero-days, meaning the software…

Spyware startup Variston is losing staff — some say it’s closing

Government hackers last year exploited three unknown vulnerabilities in Apple’s iPhone operating system to target victims with spyware developed by a European startup, according to Google. On Tuesday, Google’s Threat…

Government hackers targeted iPhone owners with zero-days, Google says

The two faces of AI

We all make mistakes. But sometimes we forget that technology does, too — especially when it comes to AI, which is still in its early days in many respects.

The two faces of AI

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A geofence warrant typo cast a location dragnet spanning two miles over San Francisco

Civil liberties advocates have long argued that “geofence” search warrants are unconstitutional for their ability to ensnare entirely innocent people who were nearby at the time a crime was committed. But errors in the geofence warrant applications that go before a judge can violate the privacy of vastly more people…

A geofence warrant typo cast a location dragnet spanning two miles over San Francisco

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It’s not all doom and gloom: When cybersecurity gave us hope in 2023

A funny — but true — joke at TechCrunch is that the security desk might as well be called the Department of Bad News, since, well, have you seen what we’ve covered of late? There is a never-ending supply of devastating breaches, pervasive surveillance and dodgy startups flogging the downright…

It’s not all doom and gloom: When cybersecurity gave us hope in 2023

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Tech gifts you shouldn’t buy your family and friends for the holidays

It’s the season to go a little overboard on gift giving. But this year, give the gift of good security (and privacy) and eschew tech that can have untoward risks or repercussions. We’re not talking about things that go boom in the night or abruptly break, but rather the gifts…

Tech gifts you shouldn’t buy your family and friends for the holidays

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Google moves to end geofence warrants, a surveillance problem it largely created

Google will soon allow users to store their location data on their devices rather than on Google’s servers, effectively ending a long-running surveillance practice that allowed police and law enforcement to tap Google’s vast banks of location data to identify potential criminals. The use of “geofence warrants” have exploded in…

Google moves to end geofence warrants, a surveillance problem it largely created

Apple said it will no longer give over records of users’ push notifications to law enforcement unless the company receives a valid judge’s order. In its law enforcement guidelines updated…

Apple will no longer give police users’ push notification data without a warrant

U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) has warned in a letter to the Justice Department that unidentified governments are spying on Apple and Google phone users through their push notifications. The…

US senator warns governments are spying on Apple and Google users via push notifications

The founder of the infamous and now-defunct spyware maker Hacking Team was arrested on Saturday after allegedly stabbing and attempting to murder a relative, according to multiple news reports. David Vincenzetti,…

Founder of spyware maker Hacking Team arrested for attempted murder: local media

A short-lived spyware operation called Oospy, which emerged earlier this year after its predecessor Spyhide was hacked, is no longer operational and has shut down. Oospy appeared online in late…

Hacked phone spyware shuts down… again

A special commission within Poland’s Senate concluded that the government’s use of spyware, like the one made by NSO Group, is illegal. The commission announced on Thursday the conclusion of…

Polish Senate says use of government spyware is illegal in the country

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Cellebrite asks cops to keep its phone hacking tech ‘hush hush’

For years, cops and other government authorities all over the world have been using phone hacking technology provided by Cellebrite to unlock phones and obtain the data within. And the company has been keen on keeping the use of its technology “hush hush.” As part of the deal with government…

Cellebrite asks cops to keep its phone hacking tech ‘hush hush’

The pandemic brought with it a spike in work-from-home and hybrid work, which increased peoples’ dependence on personal devices — driving businesses to try and rein in their use. It’s…

LeapXpert raises $22M to monitor employee chats for compliance

A government watchdog has found that the Secret Service and ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) unit repeatedly failed to obtain the correct legal paperwork when carrying out invasive cell phone…

Secret Service and ICE conducted warrantless stingray surveillance, says watchdog

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A hack at ODIN Intelligence exposes a huge trove of police raid files

The breach exposes the police tech firm’s own systems but also confidential law enforcement data uploaded by ODIN’s police customers.

A hack at ODIN Intelligence exposes a huge trove of police raid files

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Support King, banned by FTC, linked to new phone spying operation

A year after it was banned by the Federal Trade Commission, a notorious phone surveillance company is back in all but name, a TechCrunch investigation has found. A groundbreaking FTC order in 2021 banned the stalkerware app SpyFone, its parent company Support King, and its chief executive Scott Zuckerman from…

Support King, banned by FTC, linked to new phone spying operation

Last year, TikTok quietly updated its privacy policy to allow the app to collect biometric data on U.S. users, including “faceprints and voiceprints” — a concerning change that the company…

TikTok claims it’s not collecting US users’ biometric data, despite what privacy policy says

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A huge Chinese database of faces and vehicle license plates spilled online

A massive Chinese database storing millions of faces and vehicle license plates was left exposed on the internet for months before it quietly disappeared in August. While its contents might seem unremarkable for China, where facial recognition is routine and state surveillance is ubiquitous, the sheer size of the exposed…

A huge Chinese database of faces and vehicle license plates spilled online

‘Beware in-app browsers’ is a good rule of thumb for any privacy conscious mobile app user — given the potential for an app to leverage its hold on user attention…

TikTok’s in-app browser could be keylogging, privacy analysis warns

Nightfall AI, a startup providing cloud data loss prevention services, today announced that it raised $40 million in Series B financing from investors including WestBridge Capital, Venrock, Bain Capital Ventures…

Nightfall raises cash for its AI that detects sensitive data across apps

WeWork India has fixed a security lapse that exposed the personal information and selfies of tens of thousands of people who visited WeWork India’s coworking spaces. Security researcher Sandeep Hodkasia…

WeWork India exposed visitors’ personal information and selfies

An independent review of UK legislation has concluded the country urgently needs new laws to govern the use of biometric technologies and called for the government to come forward with…

UK urgently needs new laws on use of biometrics, warns review

A company that gained notoriety for selling access to billions of facial photos, many culled from social media without the knowledge of the individuals depicted, faces major new restrictions to…

Clearview AI banned from selling its facial recognition software to most US companies