porsche ventures

Battery recycling startups have emerged in Europe in a bid to tap into the next big opportunity in the EV market: battery waste.  Among them is Cylib, a German-based startup…

Cylib wants to own EV battery recycling in Europe

All cars suffer when the mercury drops, but electric vehicles suffer more than most as heaters draw more power and batteries charge more slowly as the liquid electrolyte inside thickens.…

Porsche Ventures invests in battery startup South 8 to boost cold-weather EV performance

Factors like latency, bandwidth, security and privacy are driving the adoption of edge computing, which aims to process data closer to where it’s being generated. Consider a temperature sensor in…

Zededa lands a cash infusion to expand its edge device management software

Porsche’s venture arm has taken a minority stake in 1Komma5°, a five-month-old German startup aiming to offer households everything needed for a carbon neutral home, including energy storage, charging infrastructure…

Porsche invests in German startup aiming to be a one-stop shop for carbon neutral homes

Israeli startup Tactile Mobility uses existing vehicle sensor data to enable cars to “feel” the road in a way that generates insights about both the vehicle and the road via…

Goodyear Ventures, Porsche Ventures invest in virtual sensing company Tactile Mobility