
At this early stage, Persona’s pitch doesn’t stray far from the various humanoid firms with which it’s set to compete.

Persona’s founders are certain the world can use another humanoid robot

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Understanding humanoid robots

Robots made their stage debut the day after New Year’s 1921. More than half-a-century before the world caught its first glimpse of George Lucas’ droids, a small army of silvery humanoids took to the stages of the First Czechoslovak Republic. They were, for all intents and purposes, humanoids: two arms,…

Understanding humanoid robots

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Figure rides the humanoid robot hype wave to $2.6B valuation

Today Figure confirmed long-standing rumors that it’s been raising more money than God. The Bay Area-based robotics firm announced a $675 million Series B round that values the startup at $2.6 billion post-money. The lineup of investors is equally impressive. It includes Microsoft, OpenAI Startup Fund, Nvidia, Amazon Industrial Innovation…

Figure rides the humanoid robot hype wave to $2.6B valuation

Figure today announced a “commercial agreement” that will bring its first humanoid robot to a BMW manufacturing facility in South Carolina. The Spartanburg plant is BMW’s only in the United…

BMW will deploy Figure’s humanoid robot at South Carolina plant

In May of this year, TechCrunch ran a piece titled “Figure’s humanoid robot takes its first steps.” The story was a firsthand account of my visit to the startup’s South…

Figure’s humanoid robot walks for the camera

Bay Area-based robotics firm Figure this week announced that its humanoid officially took its first steps — a milestone it hit a few days shy of of the company’s first…

Intel Capital backs Figure’s Humanoid robot to the tune of $9 million

I spent a bit of time at Figure’s Sunnyvale offices during a recent visit to the South Bay. The firm is currently in that semi-awkward phase where it’s ready to…

Figure raises $70M to build its humanoid robots

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Figuring it all out

First and most importantly: I finally hit Delta Silver Medallion for 2024, courtesy of last week’s trip back to the Bay. Like most of you, I came down with a bad case of wanderlust during the lockdown years and couldn’t wait to get back on the road. Suddenly I’m back…

Figuring it all out

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Figure’s humanoid robot takes its first steps

Toward the rear of the office, an engineer is working on a metal hand. It looks human enough — roughly the same size with four fingers and a thumb. The Figure team is methodically testing every piece of their robot skeleton before piecing them all together to watch the prototype…

Figure’s humanoid robot takes its first steps

Humanoid robots are one of those ideas that never truly goes out of style — it does, however, tend to ebb and flow across the decades. Whatever you happen to…

Figure emerges from stealth with the first images of its humanoid robot

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Let’s talk humanoids for a minute, shall we? Why do so many roboticists insist on creating robots that look like us? Get ready to see plenty more humanoid robots. The subject is top of mind for a few reasons. First — and most prominently — is the fact that Tesla…


The quest to build the perfect humanoid robot is heating up, as Figure — a startup currently operating in stealth — is developing a multi-purpose bipedal ‘bot it plans to…

Archer’s co-founder is bootstrapping an all-purpose humanoid robot

The topic of compensation has historically been a delicate one that has left many people — especially startup employees — wondering just what drives what can feel like random decisions…

Figure raises $7.5M to help startup employees better understand their compensation

In this week’s newsletter: Justin Caldbeck battles Jonathan Teo, venture capital flows to mental health and some tips on term sheets.

Startups Weekly: Lyft’s S-1, cash for fertility startups and litigious VCs

Figure, a 13-month-old, San Francisco-based company that says it uses blockchain technology to provide home equity loans online in as little as five days, has raised a whole lot of…

SoFi founder Mike Cagney’s new company, Figure, just raised another $65 million

USB-powered mini Yoda figure

Tokyo-based Cube Works, whose products regularly find their way outside Japan (example: the humping USB dog), has announced a mini Yoda figure (the little green guy from Star Wars) that…

The Japanese madness for all things USB continues. Today I can give you an Alien figure that you can connect to your computer’s USB port. It then sticks out its…

The giant Gundam statue that has been protecting Tokyo for a couple of months is gone, but now you have the chance to bring back memories in the form of…

Iron Man wasn’t as successful here in Japan as in the USA but that didn’t stop Sony Pictures to produce a Nippon-only Blu-ray box of the movie that includes an…