
Google told TechCrunch that Flutter will have new updates to share at I/O this year.

Google lays off staff from Flutter, Dart and Python teams weeks before its developer conference

Flutter, Google’s open-source framework for building multi-platform apps for mobile, web and desktop, is hosting its Flutter Forward event in Nairobi, Kenya today. As the name implies, the team is…

Google’s Flutter showcases new graphics capabilities, WebAssembly and RISC-V support

The demise of a spacecraft is usually something rather poignant. But two weeks ago, NASA celebrated one’s destruction. On September 26, NASA executed the final stage of the Double Asteroid…

Smashing success: NASA’s DART spacecraft bumped an asteroid off its orbit

NASA has completed a key step of its “Double Asteroid Redirection Test” (DART), smashing a satellite roughly the size of a vending machine into a small moon that’s about half-a-mile…

NASA’s DART anti-asteroid satellite successfully smashes into space rock

One of NASA’s biggest crowd-pleasers in years is about to reach its denouement: If all goes well, the Double Asteroid Redirection Test spacecraft (or rather guided anti-space-rock missile) will impact…

Watch the asteroid-smashing DART spacecraft make its 6-million-mile shot today

At its I/O developer conference, Google today announced the launch of Flutter 3, the latest version of its open source, multiplatform UI development framework for building natively compiled applications. It’s…

Google’s Flutter 3 adds support for macOS and Linux desktop apps

Update: Successful launch and NASA has acquired DART’s signal. One of NASA’s most exciting and unusual missions in years, the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART), is scheduled to launch tonight…

‘Armageddon’ now: NASA’s asteroid-deflecting DART mission launches tonight

NASA has a launch date for that most Hollywood of missions, the Double Asteroid Redirection Test, which is basically a dry run of the movie “Armageddon.” Unlike the film, this…

NASA’s ‘Armageddon’-style asteroid deflection mission takes off in November

Dart is not coming to Chrome, Google announced today. The lingua franca of the web is JavaScript, but with Dart, Google launched a project that effectively aimed to replace JavaScript.…

Google Will Not Integrate Its Dart Programming Language Into Chrome

Earlier this year at its I/O developer conference, Google quietly announced plans for supporting its Dart Programming language on App Engine. It’s taken a bit longer than many expected, but starting today,…

Google Brings Its Dart Programming Language To App Engine

Google’s Dart language is now an official ECMA standard with the catchy name of ECMA-408. ECMA may not be a household name, but if you’re reading this, your browser is…

Google’s Dart Language Is Now An Official ECMA Standard

A few days ago at its I/O developer conference, Google quietly announced that it is working on bringing its Dart programming language to App Engine soon. This implementation will use…

Google’s Dart Programming Language Is Coming To The Server

Dart, Google’s JavaScript competitor, launched its 1.0 version last November. While Google’s Go language has quickly caught on with developers, though, Dart has been struggling to attract them. In an…

Google today launched the first beta version of its Dart SDK and Editor. With this update, Google says, the SDK can now produce significantly smaller and faster JavaScript code and…

Google’s Dart SDK and Editor Hit Beta With Improved Performance, Smarter Code Completion And More

Google launched Dart, its class-based object-oriented language for writing complex web apps, exactly year ago and to celebrate its birthday, the Dart team is launching the first stable version of…

Google Releases The First Stable SDK For Its Dart JavaScript Alternative

This Is Not The Net You Thought You Knew

You know how the Internet works, right? Of course you do: you’re a TechCrunch reader, a power user. You know what that “HTTP” means in your address bar (if you’re…

This Is Not The Net You Thought You Knew