community notes

code references found in the X iOS app indicate that the company could be considering adding downvotes for replies only to improve how they’re ranked.

X weighs adding a downvote button to replies — but it doesn’t want to emulate Reddit

Weeks before the national elections in India, Elon Musk-owned X said it is rolling out support for posting Community Notes — the company’s crowd-sourced fact-checking program — in the key…

X rolls out support for posting Community Notes in India ahead of elections

After X’s crowdsourced fact-checking system faced multi-day delays to correct misinformation on the platform, the company formerly known as Twitter has announced a series of improvements focused on speeding up…

After delays, X updates Community Notes fact-checks to improve speed and distribution

X (formerly Twitter) this week changed how its crowdsourced fact-checking Community Notes feature works. In the new design, users will be able to review all the notes that have been…

X’s crowdsourced fact-checking system will now let contributors consider opposing viewpoints

Elon Musk-owned X, the company formerly known as Twitter, is streamlining its crowdsourced fact-checking feature Community Notes. The feature historically has provided information to users about why they were seeing…

X, formerly Twitter, streamlines its crowdsourced fact-checking system Community Notes

In an effort to put more onus on crowdsourced moderation, Twitter has launched Community Notes for images in posts. The company is aiming to address scenarios of morphed images or…

Twitter launches Community Notes for images

Twitter’s crowd-sourced fact-checking program, Community Notes, is now open to contributors in the U.K., Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. Twitter said over the weekend that it was expanding the contributor…

Twitter is now accepting Community Notes contributions from four more countries

Twitter announced over the weekend that Community Notes are now visible around the world. Community Notes, which was previously known as Birdwatch, is the social media giant’s crowdsourced fact-checking system.…

Twitter begins rolling out its Community Notes feature globally