battery materials

The startup has developed a way to create copper and aluminum foils that are laced with tiny holes and riddled with undulating peaks and valleys.

GM-backed Addionics aims to make lithium-ion batteries cheaper with wavy foil

The specter of wastewater threatens to stall the construction of battery factories. One startup, though, says the solution is to recycle it.

Aepnus wants to create a circular economy for key battery manufacturing materials

All cars suffer when the mercury drops, but electric vehicles suffer more than most as heaters draw more power and batteries charge more slowly as the liquid electrolyte inside thickens.…

Porsche Ventures invests in battery startup South 8 to boost cold-weather EV performance

Coreshell, a battery materials startup, revealed a breakthrough this week that could lower the cost of lithium-ion batteries while reducing reliance on China.

This battery startup says it’s found a way to make cheap LFP batteries without sacrificing range

Up Catalyst can tweak the basic process to also manufacture carbon nanotubes for paint or reinforced concrete, as well as graphite tailored to hydrogen fuel cells.

Up Catalyst draws €4M seed round to make battery graphite from carbon dioxide