Allison Wolff

CEO, Vibrant Planet

Allison worked with eBay, Google, and Meta for 20 years on corporate and product strategy, customer experience design, marketing, and movement building focused on sustainability, climate change solutions, and social impact. With growing concern about the rapid increase in catastrophic wildfire and its impact on communities and nature based climate solutions, Allison cofounded Vibrant Planet PBC in November 2020 to accelerate wildfire and climate resilience. Allison and her team of top scientists, and artificial intelligence (AI) engineers, and product developers have built a platform that combines applied AI to map nature and wildfire and climate risks at high resolution plus applied science and powerful analytics to “game out” where risk mitigation and ecological treatments can maximize wildfire and climate resilience, adaptively in rapidly changing conditions. Vibrant Planet’s platform is applicable in the half of land on earth that evolved with low intensity wildfire and where catastrophic wildfire is now rapidly increasing. The company serves the USDA Forest Service, CALFIRE, NGOs working on conservation and wildfire resilience building, utilities, counties, fire districts, and indigenous peoples. Vibrant Planet is backed by impact focused investors, including Ecosystem Integrity Fund, Microsoft Climate Innovation Fund, Citi Impact Fund, Earthshot, Elemental Excelerator, SIG Climate, Meta CPO Chris Cox, among others.

Allison Wolff

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