Profile privacy and access

All Gravatar profiles are public by default, but we understand if you might not want to use that feature and keep your information private. You can hide your profile from the Privacy section of the profile editor.

You have three settings and options:

  1. Public avatar – if enabled, your Gravatar image will be shown across the web. If you disable, a default avatar will be shown instead. You can also simply delete all of your avatar images.
  2. Public profile – if enabled, anyone with the profile link or your email address can access your public profile. This includes our public API that developers and sites use across the web.
  3. Discourage search engines – if enabled, we will add the appropriate tags to your profile page so that search engines like Google will not crawl or index your profile. All major search engines respect these tags, but it can take time for your site to be de-indexed once you enable.